D.U.P. Head

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Revision as of 02:31, 6 January 2009 by Zombie (talk | contribs) (D.U.P. Head Torpedo moved to D.U.P. Head: This is the name given for the launcher. Ammo can redirect here.)
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Depleted uranium pellet headed weapon technology is relatively new, and this is the first commercial aquatic weapon system to employ it fully. X-Com has first rights to all of these weapons produced, and they serve their function well in downing alien USOs at the start of the war before more potent weaponry is developed by the science staff.

With superior power and range to the Craft Gas Cannon and the AJAX Torpedo, it is capable of bringing down most USOs, although with medium and large USOs it may be beneficial to intercept with multiple craft to minimise damage and missed shots.

However, compared to the Avalanche Missile of the previous war, there are some changes. While the power of the D.U.P. Head Torpedo is slightly greater than that of the Avalanche, the range of the weapon is noticeably lower. Keep this in mind when intercepting larger USOs.

Vital Statistics

Range:50 km
Reload Time:21 seconds
Ammunition Used:D.U.P. Head Torpedo; $9000 each

The D.U.P. Head Launcher costs $17,000, delivery time from purchase is 48 game hours.