Hideouts (Piratez)

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This page may be outdated. It is up-to-date for version 0.99A.1. The latest version is v.N1.

Default layout for Headquarters
This page may be outdated. It is up-to-date for version 0.99A.1. The latest version is v.N1.

hangar1 hangar2 hangar1 hangar2 dirt dirt
hangar3 hangar4 hangar3 hangar4 dirt dirt
dirt dirt lift dirt dirt dirt
dirt dirt barracks well dirt dirt
Base-dirt.gif Base-burrow.gif Base-corridor.gif Base-still.gif Base-vaults.gif Base-dirt.gif
Base-dirt.gif Base-prison.gif Base-ArmoredVaults.gif Base-lab.gif Base-hires radar.gif Base-dirt.gif

Welcome to ya Headquarters, Cap'n! Here, you'll find ya can build some facilities, but we need ta do research some blueprints for some of the more advanced buildings. Unfortunately Cap'n, the Laboratory in your Headquarters is unique and we won't be able to replicate it anywhere else! Other than the Lab and Access Lift, the rest will require time, resources and research to be constructed.

A few changes to keep in mind while playing Piratez:

  • Performing research not only requires Brainerz (Scientists), but an appropriate research building (e.g., Laboratory, Library)!
  • Manufacturing items will require Runts (Engineers), appropriate research, appropriate materials, as well as dependent on manufacturing facilities (some are specialized, like Industrial Printer).

There are major changes between the bases in Piratez and X-Com. Some facilities may offer storage space, manufacture space, research space, as well as dependencies for more advanced facilities.

Other than the Headquarters, any new bases will require a research-type facility in order to conduct research. Likewise, bases will require specific manufacture-type facilities in order to produce items, such as a Still in order to produce any alcoholic items. More advanced armor and equipment will thus require advanced manufacturing facilities, such as the Industrial Printer and/or Mint.

The most important facility is the Laboratory, found in your Headquarters (first base) that is essentially irreplaceable, so be sure to place it far from any Hangars or Access Lifts so as to prevent it from being destroyed, if your base happens to be raided!

Base Layout Examples


Chokepoint Starting Layout

This page may be outdated. It is up-to-date for version 0.99A.1. The latest version is v.N1.

hangar1 hangar2 dirt dirt dirt dirt
hangar3 hangar4 dirt dirt dirt dirt
lift dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt
corridor barracks well prison still lab
Base-hires radar.gif Base-ArmoredVaults.gif Base-vaults.gif Base-dirt.gif Base-dirt.gif Base-dirt.gif
Base-dirt.gif Base-dirt.gif Base-dirt.gif Base-dirt.gif Base-dirt.gif Base-dirt.gif

This custom starting layout is ideal for providing a bottleneck for enemies to be funneled through, allowing your hands to defend more easily. It also moves your vaults from direct connection to the bottleneck in order to minimize equipment losses from errant explosions.

This also allows room for expansion with larger facilities (generally 2X2 tiles).

Arthanor's Custom Layout

This page may be outdated. It is up-to-date for version 0.99A.1. The latest version is v.N1.

dirt dirt lift dirt dirt dirt
dirt dirt hangar1 hangar2 dirt dirt
dirt dirt hangar3 hangar4 dirt dirt
dirt dirt barracks vaults dirt dirt
Base-dirt.gif Base-vaults.gif Base-well.gif Base-prison.gif Base-dirt.gif Base-dirt.gif
Base-dirt.gif Base-lab.gif Base-hires radar.gif Base-still.gif Base-dirt.gif Base-dirt.gif

Although the access lift is handy as a bottleneck, it is also inconvenient as it allows the enemies to progress towards your base hidden behind doors. I prefer this setup as it allows direct lines of fire into the hangar. More information on this base progression here.


Zeppelin Hideout

This page may be outdated. It is up-to-date for version 0.99A.1. The latest version is v.N1.

hangar1 hangar2 hangar1 hangar2 hangar1 hangar2
hangar3 hangar4 hangar3 hangar4 hangar3 hangar4
lift still hangar1 hangar2 hangar1 hangar2
barracks workshop hangar3 hangar4 hangar3 hangar4
Base-hangar1.gif Base-hangar2.gif Base-hangar1.gif Base-hangar2.gif Base-hangar1.gif Base-hangar2.gif
Base-hangar3.gif Base-hangar4.gif Base-hangar3.gif Base-hangar4.gif Base-hangar3.gif Base-hangar4.gif

Sample secondary hideout that contains all your Spy Zeppelins for mobile radar coverage (cheaper than building bunch of radar bases that won't cover everything). Barracks/Still/Workshop can be changed with other facilities (perhaps Hideout Shroud).

Industrial Hideout

This page may be outdated. It is up-to-date for version 0.99A.1. The latest version is v.N1.

factory1 factory2 factory3 lift hangar1 hangar2
factory4 factory5 factory6 barracks hangar3 hangar4
factory7 factory8 factory9 barracks LargeQuarters1 LargeQuarters2
reactor power still barracks LargeQuarters3 LargeQuarters4
Base-LargeVaults1.gif Base-LargeVaults2.gif Base-LargeQuarters1.gif Base-LargeQuarters2.gif Base-LargeQuarters1.gif Base-LargeQuarters2.gif
Base-LargeVaults3.gif Base-LargeVaults4.gif Base-LargeQuarters3.gif Base-LargeQuarters4.gif Base-LargeQuarters3.gif Base-LargeQuarters4.gif

Sample secondary hideout that can be used to manufacture supplies for the main base as well as major alcohol exporter.

Research Hideout

This page may be outdated. It is up-to-date for version 0.99A.1. The latest version is v.N1.

study study study study study study
study still firepit surgery hyperwave reactor
power gaschamber lift gaschamber barracks study
study library firepit prison stores CPU
Base-study.gif Base-study.gif Base-surgery.gif Base-study.gif Base-barracks.gif Base-study.gif
Base-study.gif Base-study.gif Base-barracks.gif Base-study.gif Base-study.gif Base-study.gif

With Computer Core, Fusion Reactor, 18 Studies, 3 Barracks, 2 Surgeries, 4 defensive traps, 1ea of Hyperwave Decoder, Library, Vaults, Still, Power, Prison and Lift) This base has room for 30 Runts, and 44 Brainers.

Full explanation of the research base here.

Conqueror Project Hideout

This page may be outdated. It is up-to-date for version 0.99A.1. The latest version is v.N1.

hangar1 hangar2 luxuryquarters well ArmoredVaults ArmoredVaults
hangar3 hangar4 luxuryquarters reactor ArmoredVaults ArmoredVaults
luxuryquarters lift ArmoredVaults luxuryquarters luxuryquarters ArmoredVaults
luxuryquarters power factory1 factory2 factory3 ArmoredVaults
Base-luxuryquarters.gif Base-luxuryquarters.gif Base-factory4.gif Base-factory5.gif Base-factory6.gif Base-ArmoredVaults.gif
Base-luxuryquarters.gif Base-luxuryquarters.gif Base-factory7.gif Base-factory8.gif Base-factory9.gif Base-ArmoredVaults.gif

This build is set up to handle the requirements for manufacturing the endgame craft.

9 Armored vaults: 1125 Storage
10 Luxury Barracks: 350 bunks
1 Factory (450 runt capacity)
1 Powerplant (as required for Factory)
1 Fusion Reactor (as required for making fuel cells)
1 Extractor (for distilling Hellerium)
1 Hangar
1 Lift