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Revision as of 11:16, 12 October 2007 by EsTeR (talk | contribs) (READ THIS PLEASE: "Is everyone happy")
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Section structuring

EsTeR: Perhaps we'll go with the levels of severity to split the exploits into groups, but then make separate pages for each severity level and then move all the related exploits into them. This page is getting quite large (the article).

All that needs to be left behind is a quick listing of the exploits (bookmarks).

This might be a good way to reduce the size of the document to something that's less intimidating.


"intimidating" - thats exactly what i thought before I started editing this page.

Yes for the bookmarks thingy.

I've got plans to rip up the Known Bugs page and categorise the bugs into different ratings also. i think four/five major titles should do, obviously having the critical game-killer bugs first, then severe next, etc.

"get quite large" - and another reason! My browser (firefox v2.##) started bombing out when trying to load the whole page. i dunno if its wiki fault, or the browser, but I think it would look 'unprofessional' on us all if it were a dodgy mess. Uniformity and ease of navigation for all!

I have been re-writing most sub sections with an eye to an easy explaination to start the article, then trying to apply uniformness in formatting. I think I'm going OK so far. EsTeR


...with the look of the exploits main page??

I think if any links are made to the actual exploits, it is possible to go thru the main page with its dooms-day disclaimer?? The reason why I ask this is just so any visitors to this site are "forced"' to go thru the main exploit page to get to the exploit texts if anyone linked to the texts from elsewhere. I dunno what it possible.