User:Hobbes/Sandbox page

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XCOM: Enemy Unknown (2012)
Vigilo Confido shield.png XCOM
General Information
Base Facilities
Mission Control
XCOM Craft
Air Combat
Situation Room
Head red.png Aliens
Alien Life Forms
Alien Missions
UFO Components
Alien Artefacts
Ground Missions
Gameplay Mechanics
Mission Types
Tutorial Mission
UFO Crash Site
UFO Landing Site
Terror Missions
Alien Abductions
Capture Live Alien
Alien Base Assault
Asset Recovery
Bomb Disposal
Target Extraction
Target Escort
Xcom eu logo.jpg Combat Tactics
Squad Design
Move And Fire
Game Strategies
Survival Guide
Base Management
Squad Builds
XCOM: Enemy Unknown (2012) Kokkans suggestion on how to Structure content.
Vigilo Confido shield.png XCOM
General Information
Base Facilities

Mission Control

XCOM Craft
Air Combat

Situation Room






Head red.png Aliens
Alien Life Forms

Alien Missions


UFO Components
Alien Artefacts
Gameplay Mechanics
Move & Fire


Squad Setup

Mission Types


Game Strategies
Guides & Tips
Panic Management
Building your force
X Situation management

Base Management



Squad Builds


Personally, this kind of structure makes sense to me. Though I'm not 100% on Air Combat. Probably under Mission Control with a link inside Aircraft pointing to it. In mine, Aircraft would include a subsection on weapons but not a separate page. I'd still provide a link to it in the front for people's awareness. Same for soldiers, all those things would be subsections of the same page. Similarly, armor and squad weapons would be subsections of the same "Equipment" page. I don't know enough about SHIVs yet to think if they'd have their own page or not. I wouldn't list out all the individual alien life forms and I can't think of any subsections I would specifically link on the main page under any of the Alien stuff really... As topics under Base Mgmt and Sit Mgmt grow, I would link the ones that I think people want to get to now (in 1 click). Same for all the stuff under Combat. So overall, everything that's indented is likely a subsection of a page rather than it's own page. The exceptions are the Situation Room and Mission Control because so much is going on in those two rooms where all the other aspects of the game are being coordinated. Ultiamtely, Gray Market would just be a paragraph or two about it, but all the prices would be listed right next to the item along with all the other info.

The hardest thing for me right now to sort in my mind is Single vs. Multi. For Tactics, I would probably put them in dedicated subsections of the same page. Have a general tactics that applies to both aspects of the game, and then a subsection for single and multi (total 3 sections) for anything that only applies to those. For squads and soldier builds, I would ask people to just identify whether the squad/soldier build is for single, multi, or both and explain the pros and cons of why. But it bugs me that would be structured different than the tactics... I feel like I need to play the game some before I figure out how the combat is structured. Oh, and I'd use the in-game neon-blue icon for XCOM and the red alien head for Aliens, then put the "vigilo confido" shield the "blue-glow faceless-squad" main XCOM image in thumbs off to the right. Robbx213 13:29, 5 October 2012 (EDT)

Vigilo Confido shield.png XCOM
"Ant Farm"
Situation Room
Mission Control
Air Combat
Gray Market
Abilities & 'Perks'
Craft Armament
Sectoid icon.jpg Aliens
Alien Life Forms
Base Management
Situation Management
Gameplay Mechanics
Soldier Builds

Just changed it based on your ideas. About Single/Multi, the idea I got from the demo is that the human classes are predefined and some perks may be absent from Multiplayer. From my previous experience with the multiplayer version of the original game, the tactics between an AI and a human opponent are very different. But it will depend on how it works out. My main concern about the columns is to have room to expand in the future on an organized manner, if this game's page gets as popular as the original one and then you need to have sections explaining the technical parts, for modders to use, plus all other sorts of miscellaneous pages like the original game has. Hobbes 14:44, 5 October 2012 (EDT)

  1. Whatever you do, keep multiplayer separated from the singleplayer section. These will be completely different.
  2. Regarding Sources, I strongly disagree to make them a separate page. Valid sources should be listed under a References section on the relative page as per wiki standard (
  3. Flanking, Cover, Overwatch & Supression are not actually tactics but game mechanics. How you combine and use these, that is tactics.
  4. What the heck is "Situation Management"? That is a way to general topic or description to mean anything.
--Kokkan 16:06, 5 October 2012 (EDT)
Yeah, I haven't seen a lot of MP squad building, so I don't know how many perks you get to choose. I assume that you can choose as many perks as you want, but each one costs points, so my guess is in MP you'll only really be able to pick 1 or 2 per soldier. As for expanding in the future you make a good point. I only looked at what was in EU (2012) so far and condensed from there; I didn't go back to (1994)... You know, maybe it would be better to list more specific sub-sections in the table so that people can get to them quicker without having to guess where it's been put, especially if it's a topic they think can fit elsewhere than it was put. Then it would be on us to populate links all over the place and that could unmanageable.
I don't know how different MP will be from SP at this point. There will definitely need to be some dedicated space to MP squad building and MP tactics; I was just wondering aloud if it should be a whole separate page, or if SP and MP should be subsections under a "tactics" page and a "squad building" page. I think the one that makes sense will require some game time to determine. You're right about references; but, really once the game is out the game itself is basically going to be the main reference; are we supposed to put that at the bottom of each page or will we only put references in special occassions when it comes from somehwere else? I guess "sources" is less accurate, I was really think "see also" or maybe just a place to put links to articles, videos, forums, and other stuff people might want to stumble upon. I agree about mechanics vs. tactics. That's why I'd suggest having a "mechanics" page that gives the facts and a separate tactics area; I guess a separate tactics page would be better since mechanics is actually pretty extensive and especially if one puts SP tactics near MP tactics as subsections to the same page.
Ah, "situation management". That was my attempt at a bookmark in my head for somehow capturing the idea of how you manage panic, funding, satellite coverage, aircraft... basically not base stuff (adjacencies, Uplink vs. Nexus debates, different base builds depending on play strategy for example some people might want a lot of satellites while others might try to focus on having just enough to survive the game and use the base space for labs and workshops). I would expect a lot of sub-links under base and situation management, and I wouldn't call it situation management as soon as I find a better name. Robbx213 23:34, 5 October 2012 (EDT)
I made and example of the grouping of content I find most logical. I also don't think we should list all the possible mission types in the table, by the same reason you don't list all the aliens, weapons or abilites. It could feel like spoilers for some people. --Kokkan 12:16, 6 October 2012 (EDT)
Better. The only thing missing to me is to have a subcolumn for Miscellaneous because there's a few XCOM wiki pages that are cross series, such as Making the Game Harder (one of the most viewed wiki pages), Murphy's Laws of X-COM, Known Bugs, Game Editors, Realistic Equivalents and Glossary of Terms. Probably not all of those for now but a few could be already added, like the glossary. Hobbes 12:30, 6 October 2012 (EDT)