Murphy's Laws (X-COM)

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Battlescape (UFO Defense)


  • If a soldier can miss, it will.
  • If a soldier can panic, it will.
    • If your soldier holds a primed Proximity Grenade and panics he'll drop it and start running
      • If holding any other weapons he'll drop them and run right next to an alien
  • If a soldier is armed, it will get MCed.
  • When a member of your squad is mind controlled, his/her accuracy and reactions increase.
    • The opposite is true when you mind control an alien
  • The soldier with the most powerful weapon is surely the one with the worst morale / MC resistance.
  • If a soldier can hit an alien, it won't
  • If a soldier goes berserk, he/she will turn to face your nearest soldier and autofire
  • If a soldier has a Rocket Launcher, he will get MCed while still in the craft
  • Your first unit out is always shot down
    • Your first unit out is always your commander
  • A wounded soldier will die before you find the last alien
  • As soon as you get better armor, the aliens get better weapons
  • Flares will land where they cannot be picked up
  • If your base is attacked, you will always get flares instead of Heavy Plasmas
  • You will always end up short of 1 TU to perform the action you wanted to do
    • You will prime a grenade at 1 turn then be 1 TU short of throwing it
  • If an alien grenade can explode and take out half or all of your squad, it will
  • The soldiers with the worst stats will always be promoted
    • When you build the Psi Lab you will always discover that your officers are psi weaklings
  • On Ethereal Terror Missions, you will always get the most Sectopods as possible.
  • If you can not remember, do not use Proximity/Particle Disturbance Grenades.
    • All Five Second Grenades are Three Seconds
  • If there is a civilian near the enemy you want to kill, your soldiers will always kill that civilian instead.


  • If a civilian sees a fire he will run into it
  • If a civilian sees an alien he'll move right next to it
  • If a civilian can block your line of fire to an alien he will do that
  • Civilians will always be attracted towards dropped primed proximity grenades
  • Civilians block doorways if you run out of time units before you can reach them
  • Civilians will always run towards the aliens


  • If an alien can miss, it won't
  • If an alien can MC you, it will
  • Alien commanders will always kill themselves (with their Blaster Launchers) to avoid capture
  • If there are Chryssalids, you will get at least one zombified soldier
  • You'll never want to know the answer to "why did the Chryssalid cross the road?"
  • If a Reaper can get stuck, it will
  • If a Cyberdisk can explode on one of your men, it will.
  • Unconscious aliens capable of melee attacks wake up when you least expect them to
  • If you opened a door and turned left, the aliens are all on the right
  • Sectopods will always reaction fire to you
  • Aliens are smarter than they look

Geoscape (UFO Defense)

  • When you need money the most, some of your funders will stop funding you.
  • As soon as you get a new base online, it will be attacked
  • As soon as you get lots of money, the aliens will make you spend it all
  • Terror sites always appear only at night
  • Seas always appear below a crashing UFO
  • The first country to drop funding always gave the most money
  • X-COM bases are always attacked when the squads are out
  • Crashed UFO's never have Elerium
  • Landed UFO's will take off before you can get to them
  • UFO's will always arrive after your Skyranger is refueling from a two day patrol
  • If you have forgotten to save the game for at least 3 missions, the game will crash
    • The game will always crash when it is the least convenient
  • If you launch a craft fully equipped for night fighting it will arrive at its intended location during daytime
  • If you launch a craft fully equipped for day fighting it will arrive at its intended location during nighttime
  • When a base becames operational UFO activity on that area will cease to zero immediately afterwards
  • If your craft only has 1 missile left when it shoots it will miss
  • Alien UFO scouts will always outrun your Interceptors

Cityscape (Apocalypse)

  • If you're almost broke after buying a new flagship for your fleet, it will be destroyed in the next UFO incursion.
  • The pride of your fleet is always stuck in alien dimension when you get attacked by a Mothership.
  • UFOs carrying infiltrators always spawn at the gate you don't have covered.
  • Griffon AFV is tough. The road under it is not. The tracks are just for show.
  • There are only two types of vehicles that are always in abundance on the market. Blazer bikes and Stormdogs.
  • While en route to a building, your craft will shoot at a Cult civilian car and demolish half of the city trying to hit it. However, the car will survive.
  • Megapol is useless.
    • Transtellar is annoying.
      • Everyone else is both annoying and useless.
  • Government's weekly paycheck,after paying the overhead, will buy you a Lawpistol clip. Maybe two.
  • If your base is in a slum, a single stray shot from a light disruptor will destroy it all.
    • If your base is in a warehouse, said stray shot will still hit the tile with your agents
  • Hoverbike swarm is a good idea. Too bad they'll all get shot down anyway because of sheer dumb luck on the aliens' part.
  • Research will always be completed right after when you needed it the most.
  • After a firefight in the city, the only one to be blamed for the devastation will be you, even if it was an Overspawn that did it.
  • The Overspawn will coincidentally be dropped right at your doorstep.
  • The Overspawn will never, EVER get hurt from falling debris. Unless you drop the said debris and level half of the city with it.
  • People Tubes can collapse from an angry glare or a single bullet.
  • You're the only one who has a problem with the aliens. Every other corp has them on neutral.
  • Subversion attacks WILL succeed, 100%.
  • Your carefully built Dimension Probe will be welcomed by a volley of Heavy Disruptor Guns.At least it just needs to appear at the dimension just once to start the infiltration.
  • Your very first invasion of the Alien Dimension will require an hour's savescumming to get it right without being reduced to scrap metal.
  • You WILL forget to not to move the XCOM craft when you succeed in destroying an alien building, killing everyone in the process.

Battlescape (Apocalypse)

  • If your base is raided, there will be as few of your agents spawning as possible.
    • Said agents will spawn as far away from the access lift as possible.
      • Guess where the scientists will appear.
  • If you're raiding a building, there will always be a retard with a heavy launcher.
    • Despite your best efforts, he will manage to fire at least one missile.
      • And he will do so even if you're breathing in his face.
        • There is no way to avoid the missile and injuries or casualties from it.
          • Even if you somehow actually manage to avoid the missile, it'll bring down the building on you.
  • That stupid grenade will go off at the cultist corpses and destroy all the goodies you came here for.
  • If an agent in a squad gets attacked by a brainsucker, the rest of the squad won't hit it at point blank range.
    • Or they'll fire a missile launcher. Guess the results.
  • If you turn around the corner where you think that last alien is hiding, it'll turn out to be half a dozen of Anthropods. All armed to the teeth.
  • Berserking agent will cause more chaos and destruction than all of your other agents put together. And it won't be directed at the enemy.
  • If someone throws a Boomeroid at an agent, he'll try to run away from it.
    • Because it will always turn out that you forgot to set him to aggressive mode.
  • If you try to capture a Megaspawn, he'll die before you can stun it.
  • You'd wish you gave that mind controlled agent a Toxigun instead of a Dimension Missile Launcher.
  • You'll encounter cloaked and flying Skeletoids much more often than you'd like to.
  • Good stuff always comes too late.
  • Psi attacks are only successful when they're not necessary.
  • Dynamic music always ignores what you're actually doing.
  • That agent you sent to scout ahead will always be the one without a motion scanner.
  • Every raid is a horrible decision between property damage and greed. Either way, you lose.
  • The agent with a Mind Bender won't see the enemy until he's standing right next to it.

Strategic (Enemy Unknown)

  • When you need §§§ the most, the US and Russia (which you have satellite coverage over) will pull out of the XCOM project.
  • Your satellites will always be available one day too late to prevent a country from withdrawing.
  • When you do have satellites available, you will never have enough Satellite Uplink/Nexus space for them.
  • When you do have Satellite Uplink/Nexus, you will never have enough satellites.
  • If you have one more satellite to go before getting a continent's bonus, that last country will pull out of the XCOM project.
    • The one continent's bonus you don't want to get? The aliens will ignore that continent.
  • You will always be at least §1 short of buying the next level of armor/weapons for all your troops.
  • If a Colonel can be checked for having the Psi gift, he won't have it.
  • If a Rookie can be checked for having the Psi gift, he will.
  • Your interceptor will always lose contact 0.1 seconds before the enemy UFO is destroyed.
  • Your interceptor will blow up one round of fire exchange after you press the Abort button.
  • Just a bit more than a day from getting your Colonel out of the medbay? Time for a Terror Mission!
  • Just a bit less than a day from getting your Colonel out of the medbay? Time for a Terror Mission!
    • Fast forwarding will result in the Terror Mission succeeding for the aliens before you can react to your Colonel getting out of the medbay.
  • Steam vents will be placed in inconvenient locations.
    • Second floor steam vents will block your 2x2 Satellite Uplink block.
      • The remaining steam vents will be on the 4th floor.
        • In the corner.
  • Research or Foundry upgrades will be completed one day after a critical mission appears.

Tactical (Enemy Unknown)

  • If a soldier's chance to hit is <99%, he will miss.
  • If a soldier's chance to hit is 100%, he won't do enough damage to kill the alien.
  • If an alien's chance to hit is >1%, he will hit.
  • If an alien's mind control chance is >1%, it will work.
  • When aiming at an Ethereal with the last shot of your turn, it will reflect it.
    • Especially if that soldier has only 1 HP.
  • If the vehicle that your soldier is dashing to for cover can be set on fire, it will be.
    • That is, if the soldier survives the alien Overwatch shot that will set the vehicle on fire.
      • If so, then the vehicle's explosion will finish him/her off.
  • Your soldier will always have the exact amount of health for a vehicle to blow him up.
  • You will always reveal new enemies on your last move of the turn.
    • Who will then take up flanking positions behind anyone who dashed.
  • The more soldiers who perform an Overwatch reaction shot against a single alien, the more likely they will all miss.
    • Soldiers who hit the alien will barely kill the alien.
      • The alien, in turn, will kill your highest-ranking soldier.
        • After killing the highest-ranking soldier, the other aliens will come in and mop everyone else up.
  • When you have your whole squad on overwatch they will all shoot one floater.
    • And then all die to his Chryssalid buddy.
  • Your Revive spec medic will always be the one critically wounded.
  • When trying to capture a commander with one stunner, he will be the one MCed,
  • Aliens will always hit soldier's hunkering down behind high cover.
    • The alien will do just enough damage to not kill him, but to cause him to panic.
      • The panicking soldier will kill a soldier and start a panic chain.
  • If a soldier can panic, it will.
    • Soldiers that panic will aim for the highest ranking officer he can see.
      • Even behind high cover, on a higher elevation, and covered by a smoke grenade, a panicking rookie will still be able to kill the "protected" Colonel.
  • Rockets will always fly off target.
    • ESPECIALLY when you squad is surrounded by explosive vehicles and forklifts.
      • At a gas station
        • Then everything will explode
          • Then everything will explode and everyone will panic
            • Even your SHIVs
              • And they will shoot your highest-ranked soldier
                • And he will die
                  • He will also have the psionic gift
  • Aliens will position themselves right outside the radius of a grenade throw.
    • If a grenade can clip through and explode harmlessly under ground while you are trying to aim it, it will.
  • When it is time to face Sectopods or Cyberdiscs, your HEAT ammo heavies will not be with you.
  • When it is time to face Muton Elites, your psionics will not be with you.
  • Your soldiers are always one grid point away from moving to safely flank an alien.
  • When a large UFO lands and you assault with your elite squad you will fight 3 Floaters, 3 Sectoids and a Sectoid Commander.
  • When a moderate alien abduction comes up and you assault with a squad comprised of your Col. Sniper, squaddies, and rookies for training purposes, you will fight 9 Mutons (who will each throw their grenades asap), a Cyberdisc, and 2 Drones you just can't seem to hit.
  • Even when you use the rookie to scout ahead, he will always stumble on no less than every enemy on the map on a single turn, who will then, with most of the laws stated above, wipe your elite squad before you can say Jenkins.
  • You decide to research offensive tech first and the Arc Thrower later only to find that Sectoids have been removed from the alien roster. But after killing 7 Mutons on a map you decide to zap the last two for their weapons only to have the last group be a trio of Sectoids.
  • The Overseer will only appear when you have no Firestorms.
    • When you build your firestorm with dodge matrix, fusion lance, and uplink targeting, the Overseer will appear in the continent your new Firestorm is NOT stationed in