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Weapon Information

Standard Weapons

You have to start somewhere. New X-COM commanders are given access to a small but diverse range of small to heavy firearms. While flawed, every weapon will have a few strengths that can be capitalized on.

Standard firearms are sold on the market and are limited only by how much a commander is willing to spend and how much storage space is remaining. While not the best of the bunch, conventional weapons are certainly not the worst either.

Laser Technology

Laser weapons start off with a minor step down in accuracy, but are a step up in firepower from conventional small firearms. They are lighter, faster and considerably more powerful. Their biggest advantage is that they do not need ammunition.

Laser weapons can only be manufactured.

Alien Weapons

Alien weapons are far more powerful than our own and wield terrible destructive capabilities, but we can harness this against the aliens and use their weapons against them.

The majority of all alien weaponry will be captured, but the weapons can also be reproduced in the workshops once they have been researched. However manufacturing ammunition for alien weapons can be costly on Elerium, as alien weapons are elerium based.

Ammunition Types


Armour-Piercing (AP) ammunition is used in your standard projectile weapons. Also simply called "Bullets".


Incendiary (I) ammunition creates an area-effect fire. The bonus of this form of ammunition is that it will continue to cause damage per turn until the fire dies out.

High Explosive

High Explosive (HE) is another area-effecting ammunition. Any unit or object within the blast radius will receive some amount of damage.


Laser ammunition uses an intense beam of light to burn its target. This form of ammunition is in-built into the weapon, so requires no clip, and therefore has no clip-size limitations.


Plasma ammunition was created by the Aliens, though through research, our human scientists have been able to replicate it for our own use.


Unlike the other forms of ammunition, Stun ammunition doesn't actually inflict damage to its target. Instead, it will cause them to fall unconscious until the stun effect has "worn off".

See Also