Facilities (Apocalypse)

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Revision as of 23:24, 26 October 2023 by EsTeR (talk | contribs) (every tile cost $50 to repair)
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A base is nothing without purpose.


A base can be built in any fashion using the standard facilities available according to the layout and may be expanded when advanced facilities become available.

  • Any layout on offer cannot be altered. The Access Lift cannot be moved, purchased, demolished or destroyed.
  • Any Government building's basement available for purchase by X-Com will contain one lift.
  • A maximum of six small and four large laboratory/workshop facilities is possible in each base (but a maximum total of each type of technical personel across all bases = 50).

Damage Repairs

Base Defence can become very expensive, very quickly. If X-Com is massively in debt, you'll be shut down at the week's end.

Damage to any tile = $50 to repair.
  • Floor tiles (the metal grate) can be damaged once (it turns grey) and then damaged again (it disappears). This hole just cost X-Com $100.
  • One explosion can cost thousands in repairs. That missed Devastator Cannon shot ...$50 dollar please. Playing with proximity mines and they stripped a wall section of metal tiles? ...$50 per tile please. A lucky shot blew up the cylinders in your Advanced Biochemistry Lab? ...hmm!


  • Complete destruction of one 16x16x5 unused base segement with all open corridors:
Level 1 = concrete blocks (16x16) x$50 = $12,800.
Level 2 = concrete blocks (16x16) x$50 = $12,800.
Level 3 = floor tile turned grey (208 tiles) x$50 = $10,400.
Level 3 = floor tiles, concrete wall, wall tiles all destroyed ((208 floor) + (48 blocks) + (48 wall)) x$50 = $15,200.
Level 4 = concrete blocks and wall tiles ((48 blocks) + (48 wall)) x$50 = $4,800
Level 5 = concrete blocks (roof) (16x16) x$50 = $12,800

The total cost of repair from complete destruction for one un-used square in your base: $58,400.


  • Maintenance costs will be paid at the end of the week, Monday at midnight.
  • The total cost of a single facility is removed from your funds upon placement.
  • Removing a facility on the same day that it was placed, irrelevant of hours past, will refund all costs.
  • A partially built facility (day counter has at least, decreased by 1) which is removed from your base layout will allow a refund of unused build-days.
Refund = {(cost ÷ days) × remaining days}

or the opposite

Loss = {(cost ÷ days) × progress in days}
  • Any facility which has been damaged in any fashion will be repaired at successful completion of a Base Defense mission. Expensive repairs may reduce funds, whereas minor repairs of damaged facilities will usually not incur any losses.

Building In Progress

A facility will have an identical layout for any 1x1 or 2x2 pieces under construction.
As seen on a Base Defence mission:

Construction 1x1, Base View,
Level 3

Construction 2x2, Base View, Level 3



Apoc accesslift.png

* Access Lift

Apoc livingquarters.png

* Living Quarters

Apoc stores.png

* Stores

Apoc trainingarea.png

* Training Area

Apoc medicalbay.png

* Medical Bay

Apoc psigym.png

* Psi-Gym

Apoc vehiclebay.png

* Vehicle Repair Bay

Apoc aliencontainment.png

* Alien Containment

Apoc biolab.png

* Biochemistry Lab

Apoc physicslab.png

* Quantum Physics Lab

Apoc workshop.png

* Workshop

Apoc securitystation.png

* Security Station


Apoc advancedbio.png

* Advanced Biochemistry Lab

Apoc advancedphysics.png

* Advanced Quantum Physics Lab

Apoc advancedworkshop.png

* Advanced Workshop

Apoc advancedstation.png

* Advanced Security Station