Soldiers (EU2012)

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Soldiers are your most important and valuable unit in Enemy Unknown 2012 and their death on the battlefield is permanent. Soldiers can in distinct classes and can be equipped with armor, weapons and other equipment as required and available at XCOMHQ's Barracks facility. Soldiers may also attend the Officers Candidate School in order to progress in rank and gain specific abilities.

Soldier Class

The soldier's class is revealed after it completes its first combat mission. A soldier's class depends on its individual stats and each class has unique abilities, or perks, as well as restrictions on weapons it can use.

ClassPrimary WeaponStatsAbilities
Laser Scatter
Alloy Cannon
Run & Gun- Unit can fire after dashing
Combat Stim - Increases stats and reduce damage taken
SniperSniper Rifle
Laser Sniper Rifle
Plasma Sniper Rifle
Squad Sight - Fire at enemy seen by any squad member
In The Zone - Additional shot after a critical hit
Snap Shot - Quick shot after movement
Double Tap - Both actions can be used for Standard/Precision/Disabling Shot
Improved Overwatch - Unit continues firing as long as it hits the target
Heavy Laser
Heavy Plasma
Supression - Reduce target Aim by 30% and free shot if the target moves
Focused Suppression - Reduce target Aim by 65% and free shot if the target moves
Tracer Beam Rounds - If hit alien takes extra damage from entire squad
SupportAssault Rifle
Laser Rifle
Plasma Rifle
Smoke Grenade
Rifle Suppression - reduce target Aim by 15 and take free shot if the target move
Heal Wound - use the Medkit to heal up to 8 HP
Improved Heal
PsionicPlasma Light RifleMind Control - Control of enemy for 5 turns
Rift - Creates a devastating psionic storm

Soldier Rank

Each soldier also has a rank. High-ranked soldiers provide leadership abilities, allowing for additional squad perks and to maintain squad morale. Known ranks are:

  • Rookie
  • Squadie
  • Sergeant
  • Captain
  • Major
  • Colonel
  • Commander


Perks are special abilities given to specific classes or the entire squad. They can be acquired through the following:

  • Choice of two abilities on level up (exclusively)
  • Presence of high rank officers
  • Equipment research and upgrades

Soldier Stats

The soldier's abilities (moving, firing, etc.) during tactical combat are defined by its stats.

  • Health Points
  • Will
  • Defense
  • Armour

Soldier Customization

All of the following can be changed by the player.

  • First & Last Name
  • Nickname (earned at Sergeant rank)
  • Country &
  • Race, Voice, Head, Skin Color, Hair, Hair Color and Facial Hair