Research (EU2012)

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Dr. Vahlen, head scientist from the XCOM project.

Research is the core of XCOM, we must learn more about the enemy and how we can defeat them.

Dr. Vahlen

Dr. Vahlen is the Chief Scientist assigned to the XCOM project. She leads the Research Team's efforts with great enthusiasm, as her particular interests lie in finding ways to adapt the alien technology to advance human scientific developments.


For information on the structure, see Laboratory.


Scientists are the main driving force of research and progression, and are necessary to reduce rather significant research times of vital projects. While not extremely important to most, it would be a mistake to scoff at obtaining them. It is important to note that projects are not restricted to a set minimum of scientists. The five initial scientists will be able to research every project throughout the game, albeit at a very slow pace. Going from five to ten scientists will half the time required for any research project, and going from 10 to 20 will half that again. Going from a 24 day project with five, to a 12 day with 10, and a 6 day with 20, and so forth. It is important to remember that while stacking scientists is very attractive with the significant research time reductions, one will run dry on weapon fragments, and not have enough engineers to even produce the products.

Research Point Cost

Research time is based upon a system of points in which one scientist generates one point per day of work until the required total is reached. Research credits reduce the total point requirement by amounts specified below. Researching Beam Weapons (120 Points) with the stock 5 scientists will take a total of 24 days. This is reduced to 12 days (60 Points) after the Beam Weapons Credit is obtained. Moving from 5 to 10 scientists will reduce the initial 24 day research time to 12 days, and adding the credit brings it to 6 days. It will take 6 days for 10 scientists to generate the 60 points required to complete research. Research points are not carried over between projects, but the points accumulated will remain if a project is changed before completion. For example, leaving Weapon Fragments with 35 of 40 points will keep it at that even if a separate research project is started and completed.



Description Prerequisite Cost Research Point Cost
Result Allows
Alien Nav Computer
The navigational control systems recovered from the crashed UFO seem to act as both a flight computer and a communications module. Further study may lead to improvements in our ability to detect incoming UFOs. Salvage: UFO Flight Computer 2 UFO Flight Computers 100 Points We've had the opportunity to study these devices in a limited fashion. As we discovered, they do contain some form of encrypted alien data. However, they're also completely reliant on an internal power supply, which, when depleted, renders the device inaccessible. The only means we've found to gather information from this equipment is by routing its internal power system through a crudely assembled interface that bypasses any built-in shutdown sequences. However, the alien data itself presented an even greater obstacle, as we're dealing with a programming language that is unlike anything found in our own systems. Fortunately, the research team is quite capable, and we quickly assembled a small group of our best analysts for the task. We've already begun to establish patterns in the alien encryption algorithm, revealing small bits of information that can be integrated into our research. Facility: Satellite Nexus
Research: New Fighter Craft
Foundry: Stealth Satellites
UFO Power Source
With the element known as "Elerium" housed within, this compact device is somehow responsible for generating the enormous amounts of power consumed by the alien vessels. Given time, we may be able to adapt this technology for our own fighter craft. Salvage: UFO Power Source 1 UFO Power Source 140 Points The power supply systems recovered from the alien craft are perhaps the most important piece of technology we've retrieved so far. Although we could spend years researching the intricacies of this equipment, the urgency of our development process means we've had to rely on theoretical analysis more than I would prefer. Despite the risks involved in attempting to reverse engineer this technology, we made a number of small steps towards a fully adapted power cell. Our most important discovery so far, the element we've been referring to as "Elerium," is the vital component that provides nearly limitless energy to the alien power cells. Although there is still much to learn, we believe it should be possible for the Engineering team to begin assembling a makeshift power cell based on our initial findings, which may prove useful in the development of an advanced fighter craft. However, we'll certainly want to do further analysis of the Elerium element that fuels the alien power systems. Facility: Elerium Power Generator
Research: New Fighter Craft, Elerium
New Fighter Craft
After extensive study of the alien gravity wave drive, as well as their power and navigational systems, we believe it should be possible to incorporate aspects of their design into a craft of our own. Research: Alien Nav Computer, UFO Power Source 10 Elerium
10 Alloys
75 Weapon Fragments
300 Points After an exhaustive reverse-engineering effort by the research team, we now believe it should be possible to mirror the functionality exhibited by the alien's advanced flight and navigational computers. These systems provide the pilot with a depth of information well-beyond our current avionics package, and will certainly bring us closer to matching the alien ships in combat.Perhaps more importantly, we've successfully integrated our first prototype of the "gravity wave" drive we modeled after the alien propulsion systems. With this mechanism in place, we can expect at minimum a twofold increase in the Firestorm's maximum thrust output when compared to our traditional pulse-engine equipped Interceptors. Assuming Dr. Shen and his team are able to successfully complete the fabrication process, our ship should be every bit as fast and deadly as the alien's own craft. Engineer: Firestorm Interceptor, Hover SHIV
Research: Archangel Armor, EMP Cannon
Plasma Cannon
With additional insulation to protect the avionics, it should be possible to equip our Interceptors with plasma weapons. By integrating a larger version of the containment housing developed for our other plasma weapons, the end result would be an extremely effective ship-based cannon. Research: Light Plasma Rifle 10 Elerium
30 Weapon Fragments
200 Points As we've continually strived to "even the odds" for our pilots facing the alien craft in combat, one of our most important developments was the research engineering of their plasma-based weaponry. Having successfully created a variant for our troops on the ground, the most difficult part of our work was already done. Increasing the size and firepower of these weapons for an application suitable to our Interceptors was a relatively straightforward process. Once we confirmed that the ship itself could handle the stress associated with firing these weapons, it was simply a matter of scaling up the device and creating an appropriate mount. \We believe the plasma cannon is now ready for general fabrication in engineering, and I'm confident our pilots will appreciate the additional firepower it provides. Engineer: Plasma Cannon
EMP Cannon
We've conceived of a weapon capable of disabling electronic systems without destroying them... if we were to equip our Interceptors with this technology, whil also shielding them from the overall effect, this could greatly improve our odds of recovering alien technology intact. Research: New Fighter Craft 20 Elerium 400 Points In developing an electromagnetic weapon capable of emitting a focused pulse that will penetrate the alien's advanced shielding, we've also had to find a means to protect our own ship's sensitive electronic circuitry. The functionality of the weapon itself had already been well-established by previous testing conducted by Earth's various terrestrial military forces, leaving us with little to determine outside of the energy requirements and effective range. Although the additional shielding required to protect our systems will necessitate a reconfiguration of our ship's hardpoints for the weapon's mount, I expect the engineering team will have no trouble fitting the device into position. If our pilots can successfully deploy the pulse against the alien craft, we should be able to bring down a UFO with minimal damage to the artifacts and equipment carried inside. Engineer: EMP Cannon
Foundry: SHIV Repair
Fusion Lance
We've recovered a number of interesting materials from the wreckage of the battleship-class UFO. If we can gain a better understanding of the alien fusion core, I believe further research on this path may lead us to the development of an immensely powerful air-to-air weapon. Salvage: Fusion Core 20 Elerium
10 Alloys
50 Weapon Fragments
300 Points This weapon is among the most powerful we've recovered from the aliens, and we've already seen evidence of its devastating effect against our own aircraft. Unfortunately, it was clearly designed for a much larger craft with a greater payload capacity than anything we have currently available. In order to adapt the mechanism for use on our own ships, we've had to redesign the integrated power and cooling systems to a much smaller form factor. If we do manage to successfully deploy this weapon, I have no doubt we'll finally level the playing field with the aliens in terms of air superiority. Engineer: Fusion Lance


Description Prerequisite Cost Research Point Cost
Result Allows
Alien Materials
Looking Glass
The aliens appear to be using materials that are lighter and stronger than anything we've ever seen. A cursory examination has already given us ideas for ways to improve the soldiers' current body armor, but more research is required. None 5 Weapon Fragments 40 Points Our understanding of the alien materials is limited at best, and we could spend years deciphering the complex manufacturing processes required to produce and manipulate these substances. However, we have managed to crudely adapt some of the observed techniques into our own research. Our first development, a multi-walled carbon nanotube weave, was modeled after an unusual pattern mirrored in several of the alien materials. This new configuration has proven to possess a greater tensile strength than any material previously recorded in known science. Adapting this fiber into an armor reinforcing vest will surely afford our soldiers increased protection on the battlefield. Engineer: Nano-Fiber Vest
Research: Experimental Warfare, Carapace Armor
Carapace Armor
We've continued our experiments on the alien alloys, and one of the proposed applications is a lighter, stronger form of body armor. Our early tests are very encouraging. Research: Alien Materials
Salvage: Alien Alloys
10 Alloy 140 Points We've succeeded in creating an advanced suit of body armor based on the alien alloys recovered from the field. These are the same materials used extensively by the aliens in the hull plating and internal structure of their craft. As we've already seen, the UFOs are capable of sustaining heavy impacts with only minor structural damage, which inspired our research into personal armor plating of the same design. However, the downside to this exotic material is that we currently have no means of replicating it on Earth. With a limited pool of resources available for future projects, we'll need to manage our use of these alloys carefully. The engineering team is awaiting orders to begin the fabrication process. Once completed, we can see how this "Carapace" armor fares on the battlefield. Engineer: Carapace Armor, Alloy SHIV
Research: Skeleton Suit, Titan Armor
Skeleton Suit
Although the weight of this suit has been substantially reduced, its defensive capabilities are still intact...and the reduced weight has allowed us to couple that suit with the climbing grapple that we've been prototyping. Research: Carapace Armor 15 Alloys 200 Points Having reviewed a number of reports from our soldiers deployed on past combat missions, we felt it was necessary to address their concerns regarding the need for a powered-ascent mechanism to scale objects in the field. With that goal in mind, this medium-density armor was developed using the alien alloys to reduce weight wherever possible. Despite the reduction in overall plate thickness, the protective qualities of this armor have been maintained through the use of a multilayered composite lining within the suit. The integration of a pneumatic grapple unit provides our troops with the ability to scale objects for a tactical height advantage when needed. The micro-servomotors utilized by this system also augment the reflexes of anyone wearing the suit, improving the odds that the operator will avoid incoming enemy fire, while also increasing the available movement range. Engineer: Skeleton Suit
Titan Armor
We've observed some of the alien combatants wearing a form of superheavy armor that still allows for full mobility in combat. This has been puzzling, to say the least, but with our new understanding of alien energy sources and their materials, we could develop powered armor of our own. Research: Carapace Armor, Elerium 15 Alloys
5 Elerium
400 Points Among the heaviest of our body armor prototypes, the "Titan" armor makes use of the alien element known as Elerium to provide a continual powered assist to the operator of this suit as they move through the battlefield. With the element in short supply, we've tried to find the most efficient means to utilize it in our development programs. In this case, the Elerium power cell is used to fuel an integrated cooling system designed to minimize fatigue by regulating the operator's body temperature. This system gives the Titan Armor the added benefit of increased resistance to environmental hazards, particularly fire and poison damage. Engineer: Titan Armor
Research: Ghost Armor, Archangel Armor
Ghost Armor
Based on our continued study of the hyperwave "phasing" phenomena we've witnessed in the labs, we believe it should be possible to develop an armor kit mirroring these unusual properties. If successful, anyone wearing this suit would be extremely difficult to detect. Research: Titan Armor, Hyperwave Communication 15 Alloys
15 Elerium
340 Points An advanced prototype based on our earlier Skeleton armor design, this variation makes use of our latest developments in the field of optical camouflage. By studying the unusual phasing behavior exhibited by the Hyperwave beacon, we've come to understand how this device is capable of existing outside of our visible plane. With this "phasing" behavior in mind, we've implemented several experimental metamaterials into the weave and structure of this suit's outermost layers. As a result, the "Ghost" armor provides near-invisibility to the wearer, allowing for enhanced evasion and infiltration capabilities in the field. Engineer: Ghost Armor
Archangel Armor
With our unique access to the aliens super-efficient power systems, we believe it should be possible to fabricate a suit of armor that permits sustained flight on the battlefield. Research: Titan Armor, New Fighter Craft 15 Alloys
15 Elerium
340 Points As it turns out, our initial optimism about the design of this particular suit was entirely justified. Having successfully developed a miniaturized version of the alien propulsion modules recovered from the field, we've now successfully integrated this device into a suit of heavy armor. Although we've exceeded the weight of the original Floater specimen these propulsion units were adapted from, we believe our adjustments to the system have actually improved their overall efficiency. As a result of our efforts, this suit is capable of providing limited flight capabilities to the wearer. Engineer: Archangel Armor
Foundry: Advanced Flight
Psi Armor
Analysis of the Psionic alien's implants indicates that we might be able to integrate these components into an armor kit... although this would be of no use to a soldier without psionic potential, it could greatly improve the abilities of those who do show promise in this area. Research: We've reached a point in our research of the aliens' Psionic abilities and their associated cybernetic implants that we're confident enough to begin preliminary tests of this technology on human subjects. Although the system we have in mind will require the use of a lightweight armor suit with reduced defensive capabilities, this "Psi-armor" should more than compensate by providing a significant boost to our soldiers psionic abilities.\n\nIt is our hope that bolstering these abilities within our soldiers will provide new insights, as we seek to discover the source of the aliens' collective consciousness. We still don't fully understand the link between the visible psionic abilities we've seen exhibited by the aliens, and their use of psionics as a means of communication. I believe it's very likely we'll find a way to activate the Ethereal device if we can successfully fabricate this armor. Engineer: Psi Armor


Description Prerequisite Cost Research Point Cost Result
Sectoid Autopsy
Our initial scans of the small humanoid aliens recovered so far have revealed something quite remarkable. We're detecting components of non-biological matter embeedded within their internal structure. Could these be implants of some kind? Obtain Sectoid Corpse 1 Sectoid Corpse 40 Points Engineer: Uplink Targeting (AIM)
Thin Man Autopsy
These aliens were clearly intended to be infiltrators, moving among us and observing without raising an alarm. However, the question remains, how were the aliens able to physically modify this species to achieve this goal? Obtain Thin Man Corpse 1 Thin Man Corpse 40 Points Foundry: Improved Medikit
Floater Autopsy
Crimson Cape
A torturous mass of flesh and machinery, the mere existence of this creature implies a cruelty that is difficult to comprehend. Obtain Floater Corpse 1 Floater Corpse 40 Points Engineer: Defense Matrix (Dodge)
Muton Autopsy
Weighing in at over 275 kilograms, the majority of which is simply muscle and bone, this creature appears well suited for the rigors of front-line combat. Obtain Muton Corpse 1 Muton Corpse 40 Points Foundry: Ammo Conservation
Chryssalid Autopsy
A cursory examination of this creature reveals that it is similar in structure to several insect species found on Earth. Although covered in an exceedingly hard exoskeleton, the six appendages of this alien are nonetheless exceedingly light and flexible. Obtain Chrysalid Corpse 1 Chryssalid Corpse 40 Points Engineer: Chitin Plating
Drone Autopsy
This small robot appears to fill some sort of support role. We might be able to interface with its circuitry... and possibly subvert it in the field. Obtain Drone Wreck 1 Drone Wreck 40 Points Foundry: Drone Capture
Cyberdisk Autopsy
On the surface this object appears to be purely robotic in nature, but we still suspect there may be an organic component lurking within. Obtain Cyberdisk Wreck 1 Cyberdisk Wreck 40 Points Engineer: UFO Tracking (Boost)
Sectoid Commander Autopsy
The enlarged central nervous system and supplementary neural implants found in this Sectoid variant suggests capabilities unlike anything we've previously encountered. Obtain Sectoid Commander Corpse 1 Sectoid Commander Corpse 60 Points Facility: Psionic Lab
Berserker Autopsy
The body of this creature still remains warm to the touch several hours after being terminated. A chemical analysis of the alien's tissue will likely provide insights into this strange phenomenon. Obtain Berserker Corpse 1 Berserker Corpse 40 Points Engineer: Combat Stims
Heavy Floater Autopsy
This horrifying machine-flesh hybrid suggests the invaders are willing to stop at little, or nothing, to achieve their goals. Obtain Heavy Floater Corpse 1 Heavy Floater Corpse 40 Points Foundry: Advanced Repair
Muton Elite Autopsy
As if its heightened muscle density, hardened skin, and redundant organs weren't enough, this alien appears to have neural implants that facilitate command and control functions. Given the circumstances, this specimen would appear ideal for guard duty. Obtain Muton Elite Corpse 1 Muton Elite Corpse 40 Points Research credit: Plasma Weaponry
Sectopod Autopsy
The engineering advancements found in this machine are remarkable - the joint articulation, weapons systems and targeting capabilities in particular are well beyond current military developments on Earth. The practical applications are staggering. Obtain Sectopod Wreck 1 Sectopod Wreck 40 Points Foundry: Advanced Construction
Ethereal Autopsy
This alien appears physically weak, even frail... but appearances can be deceiving. It is a remarkably hardy specimen, with a brain chemistry and structure utterly unknown to our science. Obtain Ethereal Corpse 1 Ethereal Corpse 120 Points Engineer: Mind Shield


Description Prerequisite Cost Research Point Cost Result
Interrogate Sectoid
We've taken one of the smaller aliens captive - hopefully we can develop a thorough interrogation process to overcome any language barriers we might encounter. Facility: Alien Containment 1 Captured Sectoid 40 Points Research credit: Beam Weaponry
Interrogate Sectoid Commander
This captive is clearly a rare and dangerous specimen. We've already seen evidence of its unique mental abilities in the field... We should tread carefully, but we certainly cannot pass up the insights it might be able to provide during interrogation. Facility: Alien Containment 1 Captured Sectoid Commander 120 Points Facility: Psionic Lab
Research credit: Psionics
Interrogate Thin Man
It seems unlikely that this particular species will break under interrogation as quickly as the other captives, as we believe it was specifically intended to serve as an infiltrator. Still, perhaps if we use more aggressive techniques, we can... coax... it into revealing more information about how the aliens arrived here. Facility: Alien Containment 1 Captured Thin Man 40 Points Research credit: UFO Technology
Interrogate Floater
Although this captive seems to be feeble of mind... clouded by rage... we might nonetheless be able to derive some benefit from a full interrogation. Facility: Alien Containment 1 Captured Floater 40 Points Research credit: Basic Armor
Interrogate Heavy Floater
This horrifying machine-flesh hybrid suggests that invaders are willing to stop at little, or nothing, to achieve their goals. Facility: Alien Containment 1 Captured Heavy Floater 40 Points Research credit: Flight Technology
Interrogate Berserker
It's going to take our most powerful sedatives to keep this captive under control... but I feel it's worth the risk, as we may glean valuable intel from a successful interrogation. Facility: Alien Containment 1 Captured Berserker 40 Points Research credit: All Armor
Interrogate Muton
This captive is very aggressive, clearly having been intended to serve in a front-line combat role. With the appropriate drug therapy and... encouragement... we may be able to coax some useful intel on the alien weaponry and their tactics. Facility: Alien Containment 1 Captured Muton 40 Points Research credit: Plasma Weaponry
Interrogate Muton Elite
I'm amazed we were able to capture one of the master aliens' bodyguards alive... It probably has a broad understanding of the invaders' weapon systems and tactics. Facility: Alien Containment 1 Captured Muton Elite 40 Points Research credit: Weapons Technology
Interrogate Ethereal
We know this captive is harboring an incredible pool of psionic energy, a fact that is not lost on our staff, who are quite concerned about working in close proximity to the creature. In any case, we have no choice but to conduct a thorough interrogation of the subject if we hope to learn anything of value from it. Facility: Alien Containment 1 Captured Ethereal 200 Points Engineer: Mind Shield
Research credit: All Technology


Description Prerequisite Cost Research Point Cost Result
Arc Thrower
With our recent insights into the alien biological makeup, we believe it should be possible to create a device capable of incapacitating an alien subject without killing it. If our troops could capture an alien alive, perhaps we could interrogate it. Research: Xeno-Biology 10 Weapon Fragments 60 Points Engineer: Arc Thrower
Weapon Fragments
These fragments are all that remain of the powerful alien weaponry we've encountered so far. Further study could lead to advances in our own weapons development programs. None 5 Weapon Fragments 40 Points Engineer: S.C.O.P.E.
Research: Experimental Warfare, Beam Weapons, Plasma Weaponry
Foundry: S.C.O.P.E. Upgrade
Beam Weapons
Our research into alien weapon fragments led to the idea of portable laser weaponry. Our early prototypes have been encouraging, but we continue to struggle with issues related to heat dispersion. Research: Weapon Fragments 5 Alloy
10 Weapon Fragments
120 Points Engineer: Laser Pistol, Laser Rifle
Research: Precision Lasers, Heavy Lasers
Foundry: Improved Pistol II
Precision Lasers
The alien weaponry appears to use a series of crystalline lenses to increase the power output of their weapons. While we can't recreate their materials, we can adapt the techniques to increase the range and power of our own laser weapons. Research: Beam Weapons 5 Alloys
5 Weapon Fragments
160 Points Engineer: Laser Sniper Rifle, Scatter Laser
Heavy Lasers
Our early experiments with oversized coolant coils and double lensing have shown the potential to greatly increase the firing rate of our laser weaponry. We may be able to use these advances in the development of ship-based cannons for our Interceptors as well. Research: Beam Weapons 5 Alloys
5 Weapon Fragments
160 Points Engineer: Heavy Laser, Laser Cannon
Foundry: SHIV Laser
Plasma Pistol
Our understanding of plasma-based weaponry comes entirely from the alien materials recovered so far. The intact plasma-generating weapon recovered from the field has provided some incredible insights, and it's quite possible we could create a version suited for our own soldiers. Research: Weapon Fragments
Salvage: Plasma Pistol
5 Elerium
1 Plasma Pistol
40 Weapon Fragments
300 Points Engineer: Plasma Pistol
Foundry: Improved Pistol III
Light Plasma Rifle
This carbine-style weapon is capable of generating a direct, superheated charge of plasma - an intriguing and dangerous prospect. Further research could allow this technology to work in our favor. Research: Weapon Fragments
Salvage: Light Plasma Rifle
5 Elerium
1 Light Plasma Rifle
40 Weapon Fragments
340 Points Engineer: Light Plasma Rifle
Research: Plasma Rifle, Plasma Cannon
Plasma Rifle
An amazing piece of technology - this rifle maintains a seemingly normal form factor while containing a fully functional plasma generator. Even the most modern of our current power generation facilities are less efficient than this small device. Research: Light Plasma Rifle
Salvage: Plasma Rifle
10 Elerium
10 Alloys
40 Weapon Fragments
340 Points Engineer: Plasma Rifle
Research: Heavy Plasma, Plasma Sniper Rifle, Alloy Shotgun
Plasma Sniper
Our continued research into the alien's plasma weaponry has finally uncovered a fault in the design - the plasma bolt itself begins to dissipate at extreme ranges. We have several theories as to how this issue might be overcome, and if successful, the result would be a sniper rifle of unparalleled power. Research: Plasma Rifle
Research: Heavy Plasma
10 Elerium
10 Alloys
50 Weapon Fragments
300 Points Engineer: Plasma Sniper
Heavy Plasma
Despite a number of impressive advances, we are still in awe of the alien's mastery of plasma based weapons. This particular configuration seems to contain an even more complex magnetic plasma containment chamber, allowing for nearly continuous projection of plasma blasts. Research: Plasma Rifle
Salvage: Heavy Plasma
10 Elerium
10 Alloys
40 Weapon Fragments
340 Points Engineer: Heavy Plasma
Foundry: SHIV Plasma
Alloy Cannon
The density of the alien alloys we've been studying has precluded their use as ammunition; all of our experiments have resulted in the destruction of the weapon itself during our firing tests, as the alloys tear the barrel apart. However, we've devised a way to break the alloy into micro-shards, and using the magnetic containment field derived from the alien plasma weapons should allow for their safe discharge. Research: Plasma Rifle
Research: Heavy Plasma
5 Elerium
25 Alloys
40 Weapon Fragments
300 Points Engineer: Alloy Cannon
Guided Fusion Launcher
Using what we've learned from the advanced weaponry found aboard the larger UFO, we should be able to prototype a new projectile launcher with a uniquely powerful explosive shell. Salvage: Fusion Core 10 Elerium
20 Alloys
75 Weapon Fragments
400 Points Engineer: Guided Fusion Launcher


Description Prerequisite Cost Research Point Cost
Result Allows
It is crucial that we gain a thorough understanding of the alien physiology in order to develop weapons and tactics better suited to combating them. None 4 Sectoid Corpses 40 Points We've managed to successfully map the alien specimen's entire genome, although I wasn't entirely sure it would be possible using our existing DNA sequencing techniques. However, our success has led to the startling realization that this creature's genetic structure is quite similar to our own. This discovery has piqued the interests of the research team, as it only raises more questions as to the origin of this species... Having examined several of the alien corpses, we've also observed a trend - key components of the alien's genetic structure are mirrored perfectly across each of the specimens. Although it is presumptive at this point to draw conclusions as to how this is possible, I believe it is only logical to assume this alien is the product of aggressive genetic engineering, well beyond anything conceived of on Earth. If the aliens are truly capable of this sort of manipulation at a cellular level, I fear we may have only scratched the surface of their technological advantages over us. In any case, further research is imperative...and while we've obviously made a number of discoveries working with the alien corpses, I feel we may need to acquire a living specimen if we truly hope to find the answers to these questions. Facility: Alien Containment
Research: Arc Thrower
Outsider Shard
This shard is all that is left of the Outsider alien after it was stunned. Based on our interrogation of the alien captive, we know that the Outsiders are the key to finding their base. We should begin research on this item immediately. Outsider Shard none 60 Points Analysis of the alien shard has revealed that it is indeed organic in nature, although not "alive" per se, somehow it continues to resonate within a specific range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Despite several attempts at disabling the alien known as the "Outsider," each was met with the same result - the target "dematerializing" within an instant. With no explanation for this phenomenon, the research team was left with little to study in terms of the Outsider itself. However, having now analyzed this shard, it seems that may not be the case. In an effort to reduce any potential interference from known terrestrial signals, we placed the shard into the "harmonic dampening chamber,"a device conceived of by Dr. Shen. With outside noise brought to a minimum, it took little effort to detect a very distinct signal...the source of our shard's "hum." While we have a number of theories, both the Research and Engineering teams seem to be in agreement... the shard itself is acting as some form of communications relay. Although purely speculative, we've also considered the possibility that the Outsider itself is merely an extension of the shard and its function. Dr. Shen believes with sufficient time, he may be able to develop a device or "key" that mimics the shard itself, giving us a means to locate the source of the signal. Objective: Assault Enemy Base
Engineering: Skeleton Key
Hyperwave Communication
The beacon that we recovered from the alien base appears to send and receive transmissions using a spectrum of energy unlike anything found on Earth. I can only imagine what we'll find after further study. Hyperwave Beacon none 160 points Although we've studied a number of unusual pieces of alien technology up to this point, the equipment recovered from the alien base on Earth is among the most cryptic. When we first encountered this device, it appeared that the Sectoid Commander was somehow interacting with it through a non-physical link...using some type of mental telepathy or another equally mysterious form of communication. Having now studied the device further, we believe this is undoubtedly the case. Our testing has revealed a pattern of signals being transmitted at a wavelength never before associated with any form of communications or electronic transmissions. Although we should not be surprised at this point by the advanced nature of the alien technology, this particular discovery is a bit...unsettling. As far-fetched as it may seem, several members of the research team have theorized that this device may be capable of transmitting and receiving signals beyond our own dimension. The implications of this possibility affect all areas of known science, and perhaps most alarmingly, indicate that the Sectoid Commander may have been receiving signals or...orders...from a higher authority. While continuing to analyze the transmission we've detected, we have also moved forward in our attempts to interface the device with our own satellite communications network. If my suspicions are correct, this beacon may provide us with a means of detecting previously unknown contacts. Facility: Hyperwave Relay
Engineering: Ghost Armor
Ethereal Device
The device we recovered from the Ethereal craft may be the final piece of the puzzle... the key to their psionic connection... and to the ultimate source of their power. With a better understanding of this technology, I believe we'll be on the brink of finding the source of this invasion. Ethereal Device none 160 points Having learned a great deal about the Hyperwave Beacon and its associated "inter-dimensional" signaling capabilities, we believe this newly recovered device confirms our suspicions about this technology and takes it a step further. The "Psi-Link," as it is now being called, appears to provide a direct link to the psionic "network" used by the aliens for field communications. Although we are treading into an area of highly theoretical science, we believe there is a strong indication that the aliens function under a collective consciousness, a form of social organization akin to a "hive mind" as seen in various species of insects found on Earth. It wasn't until our first interaction with the Ethereal species of alien that we were able to understand the scope of the psionic abilities we had previously been exposed to. Although we've only scratched the surface in terms of developing Psionic abilities within a human subject, we've now theorized that it may be possible to join the aliens' consciousness ... to tap into their "hive mind," by successfully activating this device. However, in order to ensure the safety of XCOM's headquarters, we'll need to construct a chamber that minimizes the potential risks to the rest of the facility during the activation process. As it so happens, two of our brightest young minds, a team of brothers, have already conceived of just such a facility appropriate to this task. If we manage to locate a soldier with an aptitude for psionics, and find a means to develop these abilities further, I believe it will only be a matter of time before we succeed in activating the device and finding the source of this invasion. Facility: Gollop Chamber
Engineering: Psi Armor
Experimental Warfare
Skunk Works
Although our understanding of the alien technology is still limited, what we've seen so far is enough to revolutionize combat as we know it. If we are to level the playing field, we must adapt the alien technology for our own use. Research: Alien Materials or Weapon Fragments None 60 Points As we continued our research into the alien weapons fragments and the other materials recovered from the field, we've come to realize how the aliens managed to make these substances work in conjunction with one another. While reducing the size of these components is often a challenge in itself, we decided to focus our initial efforts on a weapon more suited to deployment on our Interceptors. This cannon was designed to concentrate energy within a small target area, and should be capable of punching through the armored hulls of the alien craft. In addition, we've also passed a number of interesting conceptual designs on to the engineering team. Dr. Shen seems confident that given the appropriate resources and testing facility, he can bring many of these concepts to life. Facility: The Foundry
Engineering: Phoenix Cannon
Our initial observations of this element indicate that it is used by the aliens to generate anti-matter energy when bombarded with certain particles - providing them with a nearly inexhaustible source of power generation. Research: UFO Power Source 10 Elerium 140 Points Having fully analyzed the strange material recovered from the alien craft, it's clear this element is unlike anything found on Earth. The unusual atomic structure of this substance responds to direct bombardment from accelerated particles, resulting in an astonishing release of energy. Although the potential applications for this element are nearly unlimited, for now, our efforts are primarily focused on power generation and propulsion schemes. However, as this material does not occur naturally in our own solar system, we must carefully manage our available supply. Dr. Vahlen's Personal Note: To think, this single element has the potential to change the entire economic structure of Earth's energy industry. If we were to discover the source of this material, our reliance on fossil fuels could disappear within a decade. Research: Titan Armor
Foundry: Improved Arc Thrower

Research Credits

Research credits are obtained by interrogating live aliens. Each one reduces the time to complete associated projects by 50%. List of research credits (incomplete).

Research Credits
Credit Name Description Applies to Interrogated Alien
Beam Weapons Having successfully disabled the Sectoid alien without terminating it, we were presented with a unique opportunity to study an intact version of the weapon integrated into its forearm. Although we've yet to devise a plasma weapon of our own, we believe aspects of this technology can also be applied to our existing laser-based prototypes. This should contribute to a reduction in the research and development time spent on these weapons. Research: Weapon Fragments, Beam Weapons, Precision Lasers, Heavy Lasers
Foundry: S.C.O.P.E. Upgrade, S.H.I.V. Laser, Ammo Conservation,
Plasma Weaponry As the alien's front-line combat unit, the Muton has, as we expected, a complete understanding of the weapons systems employed by their forces. In particular, we've learned a great deal about the advances in plasma technology developed by the aliens, and as a result, our own research in this field should be greatly expedited. Research: Plasma Pistol, Light Plasma Rifle, Plasma Sniper, Plasma Cannon Foundry: S.H.I.V. Plasma Muton (Muton Elite Corpse)
Basic Armor Technology Although gruesome and seemingly hobbled together, the Floater does have significantly better armor plating than anything currently available to our forces. Having completed the interrogation process on the subject, we've come to understand how this armor balances flexibility, weight, and damage reduction to suit the Floater's "unique" capabilities. With that in mind, we should be able to reduce the time to research initial armor prototypes. Research: Alien Materials, Carapace Armor, Skeleton Suit Floater
Armor Technology Having devised a battery of physical tests for the Muton "Berserker" captured by our soldiers, we were able to observe how it moves and engages obstacles despite the heavy armor plating it carries. This was an important step in our understanding of how their armor responds to physical exertion, remaining flexible while also maintaining the protection it was designed for. By incorporating this new data into our own designs, we should see a reduction in the research time of all armor related projects. Research: Titan Armor, Ghost Armor Berserker
UFO Technology Although the "Thin Man" was among the most resistant to our interrogation attempts, we managed to uncover some interesting details. This species serves not only as an infiltration unit, but also as a sort of navigation specialist. It seems that the Thin Man is highly regarded among the aliens, and is indoctrinated with a wide variety of technical know-how as part of its "preparation" for deployment. Needless to say, the information gained from this subject should greatly reduce our research time as it corresponds to the UFO technology. Alien Nav Computer, UFO Power Source,? Foundry: Stealth Satellites Thin Man
Psionics Given the proper inducement, the Sectoid "Commander" provided several insights into how the aliens use Psionics for communications, and specifically how this ability is used to interact with the Hyperwave Beacon. Given the speculative nature of our exploration into this field, this information will surely prove invaluable in reducing our research times as we look to develop this power for our own uses. Hyperwave Communication, Ethereal Device Sectoid Commander
Weapons Technology² The "veteran" Muton specimen we've interrogated has revealed a number of intriguing details about some of the lesser-known weapon variants currently being deployed by the alien forces. This new information should provide a solid basis for our own development programs, reducing our research time on a variety of exotic weapons projects. Research: All Weapons (confirm?)
Foundry: Improved Pistol I-III, S.H.I.V. Laser, S.H.I.V. Plasma, Alien Grenade
Muton Elite
Flight Despite the weight and logistical factors involved in moving its heavily armored torso, the "Heavy Floater" is surprisingly maneuverable. After prodding the subject into a controlled flight-test, we've learned a great deal about the alien's propulsion systems. As a result of this information, I'm expecting a significant reduction in research times during the development of new aircraft. Research: New Fighter Craft, Archangel Armor Foundry: Hover S.H.I.V., Advanced Flight Heavy Floater
All Technology As one of the masterminds behind the alien invasion of Earth, the "Ethereal" alien specimen was, as expected, the most difficult to contain during our interrogation attempt. However, by monitoring changes in the Ethereal's brainwave patterns as we subjected it to varying levels of psychological stress, we were able to coax a great deal of information from the subject. As a result of these findings, we now have a backlog of new information regarding the alien technology, which should reduce our research times in all areas of study. All? Ethereal

² These Research Credits apply a 25% reduction to research time on top of any other research credits.

Tech Trees