Field Teams (Chimera)

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Field Teams are the unseen agents who work behind the scenes under your direction to manage Unrest and they collect Credits, Intel or Elerium. One team can operate in each District. Field Teams are always assigned a specialty upon deployment. It costs 50 Intel to initially deploy a Field Team, then additional 15 Intel each time a team of the same specialty is deployed or upgraded.

Field Teams upgraded to Rank 2 unlock various Spec Ops. Field Teams upgraded to Rank 3 unlock Assembly projects to build additional agent slot in Assembly, Spec Ops and Training facilities.

Field Team Specialties


  • Rank 1: +30/20/15/15 Credits income every Friday.
  • Rank 2: +5 Credits income and +65/55/50/40 Credit bonus rewards on District Missions.
  • Rank 3: +5 Credits income and -1 District Unrest for completing District Situations.


  • Rank 1: +20/15/15/10 Intel income every Friday.
  • Rank 2: +5 Intel income and +40/30/25/20 Intel bonus rewards on District Missions.
  • Rank 3: +5 Intel income and -2 District Unrest every Friday.


  • Rank 1: +20/10/10/10 Elerium income every Friday.
  • Rank 2: +5 Elerium income and +35/20/15/15 Elerium bonus rewards on District Missions.
  • Rank 3: +5 Elerium income and +1 Operation Reveal point bonus reward on District Missions.

Field Team Abilities

Field Team Abilities are different than the bonuses provided by different Field Team Specialties. Specialty bonuses are passive effects that occur automatically; Field Team Abilities are manually triggered by you to serve a specific and immediate purpose.

Ability Effect Unlock Cooldown
Vigilance.png Vigilance Reduce District Unrest by 1 + Field Team Rank. Buy a Field Team. 4 days
Quarantine.png Quarantine Freeze District Unrest for 3 days. Have 4 or more Field Teams. 6 days
Dragnet.png Dragnet Allows to resolve Situation without advancing day, gaining half the rewards. Upgrade a Field Team to Rank 3. 4 days
MCTF.png Major Crimes Task Force Reduce city Anarchy by the lowest Field Team Rank in the city. Have a Field Team in every District. 5 days