EXALT Base Raid (EU2012)

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Mission Briefing & Objectives
Exalt Base Raid

Under your direction, our covert ops section has located the EXALT base. It is hidden in plain sight, atop a skyscraper. Knock it out to deal a decisive blow to EXALT.

  • Gain entry to the EXALT facility
  • Eliminate all EXALT elements


  • The EXALT base is in a large cubic map, in an office/residence atop a Skyscraper. You are dropped off near a Helipad. Inside consists of a foyer, that splits to a library/sitting room and a sparse Situation Room (where Annette's photo is visible) (rooms and floor plan are symmetrical), and to a large sunken central room (with surrounding high hallways) with EXALT's own bootleg Hologlobe.
    • There are paths that reach around on the outside of the building on the perimeter, but no EXALT members are hidden out there and approaching from there doesn't give many more tactical options than a frontal assault.
    • The roof is accessible and there are also no EXALT there. You may have some success firing down through the skylights for the elevated bonus, but the line of sight from the skylights to ground level is quite restrictive.
  • Overhead images of the base can be found at EXALT HQ Assault map page.
  • There are no airdropped EXALT squads.
  • Expect several squads of EXALT Elite units inside.
    • A Squad lies in wait in the Library, and another in the Situation room; either one may have a third.
    • Another squad is in the 'hallway' that opens up into EXALT's Mission Control/Hologlobe room.
    • In the pit to the right of the Hologlobe, you may find another squad, who will often attempt to stay hidden by taking cover flush against the wall.
    • Finally, what will often be the last squad will be across the room from the Hologlobe; this squad includes an Elite Heavy who seems particularly eager to fire off his rocket.



EXALT Artwork (EU2012).png

EXALT's base is a lesson in extravagance: paintings of their presumed leaders (as seen on the right image) and sculptures, luxurious furniture, wines, and large fur rugs (whose size suggests there are tigers and zebras about 10 feet long, shoulder to hip). As satisfying as it is to 'thank' EXALT for all the trouble they've given you by smashing everything, there are many unique artifacts that fetch a fair price on the Grey Market (or you can hold on to as a memento).

Given the actually fairly sparse skeleton crew of EXALT operatives (including the lack of air-dropped backup), and the scattered papers abound, it's evident that EXALT was aware of your approach, and had only just recently abandoned their base. Indeed, in front of the crimson Hologlobe sits a Big Daddy's Chair™ near a heavy seal on the floor (which could hide, for example, an escape shaft), but no sign of the one who sat there: you must have just missed him.

With their base compromised, and their computer data in your hands, EXALT is as good as dead-- at least in this form. But with their leadership still possibly on the loose, only time will tell if, or when, they will again make themselves known.

EXALT Insignia (EU2012).png XCOM: Enemy Within DLC: EXALT
Covert Operations:Covert OperativeCovert Data RecoveryCovert ExtractionEXALT Base Raid
EXALT Units:EXALT Sniper EXALT HeavyEXALT OperativeEXALT Medic
EXALT Elite SniperEXALT Elite HeavyEXALT Elite OperativeEXALT Elite Medic
EXALT Weapons:EXALT Assault RifleEXALT Sniper RifleEXALT LMGEXALT Rocket LauncherEXALT Laser RifleEXALT Laser Sniper RifleEXALT Heavy Laser
Other:Recovered ArtEXALT ArtifactEXALT Technology
EU2012 Badge XCOM: Enemy Unknown (2012): Missions/Maps/Map Info
Landed UFO Small Scout: RiverRiver ValleyLarge Scout: Creepy ForestHillsideAbductor: Farm OutskirtsWinding StreamSupply Ship: Forest GroveRocky Gorge
Crashed UFO Small Scout: BadlandsDirt Road MarshlandsQuagmireSmall Scout Farm (EW DLC)Small Scout Nuked City (EW DLC)Small Scout Roadhouse (EW DLC)Large Scout: Deep WoodsForest TrenchStonewallThe BarrensLarge Scout City (EW DLC)Abductor: CliffsideScorched EarthSupply Ship: Overlook AWildfireBattleship: Battleship 01Battleship 02
Abductions BarBoulevardCemetery GrandCommercial Alley (EU only)Commercial StreetConvenience Store (EU only)Demolition (EU only)Fast FoodGas Station (EU only)Highway BridgeHighway ConstructionIndustrial OfficeLiquor StoreMuseum (EU only)Office PaperPier AResearch Outpost (EU only)Rooftops ConstSlaughterhouse ASmall CemeteryStreet HurricaneStreet OverpassTrain StationTrainyardTruckstop (EU only)Commercial Alley EWI (EW DLC)Convenience Store EWI (EW DLC)Demolition EWI (EW DLC)Fast Food EWI (EW DLC)Gas Station EWI (EW DLC)Highway Construction EWI (EW DLC)Office Paper EWI (EW DLC)Research Outpost EWI (EW DLC)Street Overpass EWI (EW DLC)Truck Stop EWI (EW DLC)
Terror Site BarCommercial AlleyCommercial RestaurantCommercial StreetConvenience StoreStreet HurricaneHighway 1Military AmmoPolice StationOffice Paper (EW DLC)Pier A Terror (EW DLC)
Bomb Disposal Cemetery GrandHighway BridgeSlaughterhouse ATrain StationTrainyard
Asset Recovery Cemetery GrandIndustrial OfficePier AResearch OutpostStreet OverpassTruckstop
Extraction/Escort Extraction: Boulevard (EU only)Highway FallenMuseum (EU only)Street Hurricane (EW DLC)Escort: Commercial AlleyPier AResearch Outpost
Storyline Intro LevelAlien Base 01Alien Base 02Overseer: (Deep WoodsForest TrenchStonewallThe Barrens) • Temple Ship
Multiplayer BarBoulevardCemetery GrandPolice StationTrainyardObservatory (EW DLC)Rooftops Construction (EW DLC)Ruined Fishing Village (EW DLC)Stop 'N Gulp (EW DLC)Wrecked Pier (EW DLC)XCom HQ (EW DLC)
Slingshot DLC Friends in Low Places (Map)Confounding Light (Map)Gangplank (Map)
Enemy Within DLC Progeny: Portent (Map)Deluge (Map)Furies (Map)Other: Meld TutorialSite Recon (Map)EXALT Base Raid (Map)XCOM Base (Map)
Covert Operations Covert Data Recovery: BoulevardCommercial RestaurantDemolition EWIGas Station EWIHighway ConstructionIndustrial OfficeOffice Paper EWIPolice StationRooftops ConstTruck Stop EWICovert Extraction: Commercial Alley EWIConvenience Store EWIHighway Construction EWILiquor StoreMilitary AmmoPier A TerrorPortentResearch Outpost EWIStreet Overpass EWITrainyard