X-COM Timeline

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Warning: all pages listed contain spoilers

The X-COM Series

1947-1999 👽 Prelude
1999-2002 👽 The First Alien War
1999 🎮 X-COM: Enemy Unknown/UFO Defense
1999 🎮 X-COM: Enforcer
2002-2040 👽 Interlude
2041-2046 👽 The Second Alien War
2041 🎮 X-COM: Terror From The Deep
2046-2065 👽 Recovery
2062 🎮 X-COM: Alliance (cancelled)
2065-2067 👽 The Frontier
2067 🎮 X-COM: Interceptor (Hypernews Network, Research)
2084-2085 👽 The Mega-Primus War
2084 🎮 X-COM: Apocalypse
2085 🎮 X-COM: Genesis (cancelled - also linked to the Recovery period with Alliance as technology in the games was similar)

Material Sources

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