Power Sword

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The Power Sword is a curious weapon on the streets of Mega Primus. It does even more damage per shot than the Devastator Cannon, and fires considerably faster. It also does not require ammunition, recharging as the Devastator Cannon does. As its name suggests, however, it is a melee weapon like the stun grapple, making it difficult to use effectively despite these advantages. Curiouser is its highly limited supply; including those in X-COM's stores, there are typically less than a half dozen on the market at any time.

The Power Sword's lack of range makes it unsuitable for typical combat and generally left unused by the player. However, due to its speed and power, the sword may be useful in a few situations:

  • Ambush: If the mission's environment allows it, it may be possible to draw computer opponents into extremely narrow chokepoints where a skilled X-COM agent, with appropriate reaction scores, can hide around the corner and shielded by enemy fire but attack opponents where they come about to engage him or her. Because of limitations in the computer's AI, they may go through several or even several dozen opponents before they get the idea to toss a grenade. However, because the range of the weapon forces such specific placement, this is usually only useful when guarding a narrow door or other 1x1 passageway.
  • Teleport: Late in the game, a seasoned X-Com commander may achieve a high enough score to prompt aliens employ teleporters in their equipment. When X-COM inevitably captures and reverse engineers this technology, it brings the quirky Power Sword into play; an agent can teleport directly behind a troublesome alien and reduce their opponent to so much burnt flesh. A skilled agent can fell a Megaspawn by themselves with nothing but a teleporter and a Power Sword.
  • Destruction: Perhaps the weapon's most causally useful feature, the Power Sword's damage and lack of ammo makes it extremely effective at putting holes (and thus, makeshift doors) in walls, carve out a structure's supports or even dig tunnels through several tiles of solid rock. This trick can make even the labrynthine alien buildings navigatable with little effort, and may be useful for setting up an Ambush (see above).

The Power Sword is a slim, 1x5 item that fits neatly beside two Personal Shields in an agent's backpack. This makes it convenient and nonobtrusive to carry as a backup tool, though the "limited-edition" nature of their supply may make this impossible for all but your favourite agents.

Apocalypse Insignia X-Com: Apocalypse: Equipment
Weapons:Megapol LawpistolMarsec M4000 Machine GunMegapol Laser Sniper GunMegapol Auto CannonMegapol Plasma GunMarsec Heavy LauncherMarsec MinilauncherMegapol Stun GrapplePower Sword
Megapol AP GrenadeMegapol Stun GrenadeMegapol Smoke GrenadeMarsec Proximity MineMarsec High ExplosiveDiablo Incendiary Grenade
ToxigunAlien Gas Grenade
Equipment:ArmorMind ShieldMind BenderMedi-KitMotion ScannerPsicloneElerium
Alien Artifacts:Disruptor GunDevastator CannonBoomeroidBrainsucker LauncherEntropy LauncherDimension Missile LauncherVortex MinePersonal Disruptor ShieldPersonal TeleporterPersonal Cloaking Field
Other:Innate/Grown-In Weapons