Laser Cannon

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Laser Cannon

The Laser Cannon is available after research is completed on the Heavy Laser squad weapon.

Though it offers nearly double the firepower of the Stingray missile, and 50% more than the Avalanche, it can only be used at a range of 21 km and below. Whilst this means that it stands a better chance of taking down small and very small UFOs, on the defensive it is very much disadvantaged against larger UFOs, that can fire upon the interception craft long before it gets into Laser Cannon range. Nonetheless, offensively, the Laser Cannon may be the most effective way of taking down larger UFOs - even if the attacking aircraft is lost in the process. It is quite common to discharge a full payload of Stingrays or Avalanches without taking down large UFOs such as Terror Ships, Supply Ships, and Battleships. But provided it can get in range, stay in range, and survive, an aircraft armed with dual Laser Cannon can deal enough damage to crash a Battleship six times over - over ten times the damage that an Avalanche-armed aircraft can deliver. And once in range, it deals out its damage considerably faster than any missile-armed craft. In effect the Laser Cannon is a predecessor to the Plasma Beam, though tactically hampered by its limited range.

Despite this, the majority of Commanders do not manufacture the Laser Cannon for use as a craft weapon, instead asking engineers to mass produce them during idle time. This is because the Laser Cannon offers the highest net profit and is superb at bringing in cash when it is needed most (see Manufacturing Profitability for more details).

Manufacturing Requirements

Engineer Hours:300
Cost per Unit:182,000
Workshop Space required:6

Vital Statistics

Range:21 km
Reload Time:4 seconds
Ammunition Used:Not Applicable

Note that the Accuracy given in the in-game UFOPaedia is incorrect; two independent code digs have confirmed these are the correct accuracies for the craft weaponry.

See Also

UFO Badge X-COM: Enemy Unknown/UFO Defense: Craft
Craft: SkyrangerLightningAvengerInterceptorFirestorm
Craft Armaments: StingrayAvalancheCannonFusion Ball LauncherLaser CannonPlasma Beam

UFO InterceptionAircraft Firepower TableCraft Comparison Table
Craft-Based UFO DetectionAircraft Detection and Duty Cycle Table