Covert Operations (EU2012)

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Security Breach Trailer
  1. EXALT operates with cells. Initiate covert ops missions to neutralize individual cells. Eliminating those cells will recover intel you will need to locate the EXALT base.
  2. EXALT cells are not always visible. Purchase an intel scan to reveal them. Hidden cells can hurt XCOM or the countries they are operating in.

Dealing with EXALT

Nigeria and South Africa can be accused without any penalty to XCOM

Anti-EXALT operations are accessed through the Covert Operations view, which becomes available in the Situation Room after EXALT becomes active. There are 2 main ways of dealing with EXALT: Intel Scans and Covert Operations missions.

Intel Scans will reveal all hidden EXALT Cells cells present on the world. The first Intel Scan taken each month has a fixed cost of §50, with later ones increasing by 100% of the previous cost. On Easy difficulty level the increase is only 50%.

Covert Missions

Covert Operative Retrieval

To stop a revealed EXALT cell, XCOM may perform a Covert Operation on the country where the cell is based while the cell is still exposed (from 2 to 7 days, depending on difficulty level). There are two types of covert missions: Covert Extraction and Covert Data Recovery, with about 10 maps for each type (20 total). There's no Meld present in Covert Missions maps. There is also no way to know which type of covert mission you will have before the Covert Operative is deployed.

The operation consists of two steps, first the insertion of one of XCOM's soldiers as a Covert Operative (through the Situation Room) and 7 days later its extraction through a tactical mission. If the tactical mission is ignored after the XCOM soldier is inserted, the Covert Operative will be lost as KIA. If the Covert Mission is a failure the EXALT cell will disappear and go into hiding into another country.

Besides elimination of the EXALT cell, success in the mission will provide a clue about the location of the EXALT base, and -1 panic to that country. Deploying an Operative will also prevent that country from leaving the Council at the end of the month, if its panic level has reached 5.

EXALT Base Location

EXALT hiding in Nigeria

Every successful mission where you recover EXALT intel will give a clue about the location of the EXALT Base. In the Covert Operations menu, you can read the clues, as well as markings on the countries that have been ruled out (and don't worry: it's automatic, so you don't need to hit Wikipedia for population statistics or Civ 5's civilizations) Once you get 3 clues you may make an accusation (raid) against a country.

  • If the accusation is correct then you'll be able to assault their base and end their menace for good.
  • If you're wrong the country will leave the Council.
  • If you accuse a country which already left the Council, the penalty for guessing wrong is a continent-wide 2 point panic increase.
    • If all of the continent's countries already left the Council there's no penalty added for a wrong accusation. This can be used to narrow down the EXALT Base choices.
  • Failing to destroy the EXALT base during the raid mission will also cause the country to leave the XCOM project or raise panic on the rest of the continent by 2 points.

Note though, that while 3 clues acquired will allow you to assault the base, with three clues gained, you will have eliminated only half the countries, leaving eight to choose from. It will take approximately 7 or 8 clues total to eliminate all the countries except one.

WARNING: After activating the Gollop Chamber you will no longer have the option to assault the EXALT base.

Additional Tips

EXALT Mission Results

Regular Covert Operations to keep EXALT neutered means more experience points for your soldiers, extra credits, additional cool looking weapons (to be sold or used) and less hassle for XCOM.

There is value in keeping EXALT alive, allowing you to "farm" them. Since EXALT never progress beyond laser weaponry, they're a comparatively easy way to get soldier experience compared to end-game aliens. Late game you can become almost EXALT-proof by having enough labs to neutralise research hacks, enough income to make sabotage inconsequential and responding to propaganda operations to bring the panic level down again, meaning there's no great pressure to finish them off.

EXALT Base Clues

The game automatically eliminates the countries described on the clues so it isn't necessary to figure out by yourself which countries are described or not.

  • The EXALT base is not in the United States.
  • The EXALT base is not in Canada.
  • The EXALT base is not in Mexico.
  • The EXALT base is not in the United Kingdom.
  • The EXALT base is not in Russia.
  • The EXALT base is not in France.
  • The EXALT base is not in Germany.
  • The EXALT base is not in China.
  • The EXALT base is not in Japan.
  • The EXALT base is not in India.
  • The EXALT base is not in Australia.
  • The EXALT base is not in Argentina.
  • The EXALT base is not in Brazil.
  • The EXALT base is not in Egypt.
  • The EXALT base is not in South Africa.
  • The EXALT base is not in Nigeria.
  • The EXALT base is not in an English speaking country. (is not USA, UK, Canada and Australia)
  • The EXALT base is not in an island country. (not Australia, Japan or UK)
  • The EXALT base is east of the Atlantic Ocean. (is not USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina)
  • The EXALT base is not in North America.
  • The EXALT base is not in Asia.
  • The EXALT base is not in Europe.
  • The EXALT base is not in South America.
  • The EXALT base is not in Africa.
  • The EXALT base is not in a country with any territory in the Arctic Circle. (is not USA, Canada or Russia)
  • The EXALT base is not in one of the world's 5 most populous countries. (is not China, India, USA or Brazil - the missing one is Indonesia, in case you're asking)
  • The EXALT base is not in one of the two Cold War superpowers. (is not USA or Russia)
  • The EXALT base is in a country you can play in Civilization 5. (is not Canada, Argentina, South Africa, Nigeria or Australia)

EXALT Insignia (EU2012).png XCOM: Enemy Within DLC: EXALT
Covert Operations:Covert OperativeCovert Data RecoveryCovert ExtractionEXALT Base Raid
EXALT Units:EXALT Sniper EXALT HeavyEXALT OperativeEXALT Medic
EXALT Elite SniperEXALT Elite HeavyEXALT Elite OperativeEXALT Elite Medic
EXALT Weapons:EXALT Assault RifleEXALT Sniper RifleEXALT LMGEXALT Rocket LauncherEXALT Laser RifleEXALT Laser Sniper RifleEXALT Heavy Laser
Other:Recovered ArtEXALT ArtifactEXALT Technology
EU2012 Badge XCOM: Enemy Unknown (2012): Missions/Maps/Map Info
Landed UFO Small Scout: RiverRiver ValleyLarge Scout: Creepy ForestHillsideAbductor: Farm OutskirtsWinding StreamSupply Ship: Forest GroveRocky Gorge
Crashed UFO Small Scout: BadlandsDirt Road MarshlandsQuagmireSmall Scout Farm (EW DLC)Small Scout Nuked City (EW DLC)Small Scout Roadhouse (EW DLC)Large Scout: Deep WoodsForest TrenchStonewallThe BarrensLarge Scout City (EW DLC)Abductor: CliffsideScorched EarthSupply Ship: Overlook AWildfireBattleship: Battleship 01Battleship 02
Abductions BarBoulevardCemetery GrandCommercial Alley (EU only)Commercial StreetConvenience Store (EU only)Demolition (EU only)Fast FoodGas Station (EU only)Highway BridgeHighway ConstructionIndustrial OfficeLiquor StoreMuseum (EU only)Office PaperPier AResearch Outpost (EU only)Rooftops ConstSlaughterhouse ASmall CemeteryStreet HurricaneStreet OverpassTrain StationTrainyardTruckstop (EU only)Commercial Alley EWI (EW DLC)Convenience Store EWI (EW DLC)Demolition EWI (EW DLC)Fast Food EWI (EW DLC)Gas Station EWI (EW DLC)Highway Construction EWI (EW DLC)Office Paper EWI (EW DLC)Research Outpost EWI (EW DLC)Street Overpass EWI (EW DLC)Truck Stop EWI (EW DLC)
Terror Site BarCommercial AlleyCommercial RestaurantCommercial StreetConvenience StoreStreet HurricaneHighway 1Military AmmoPolice StationOffice Paper (EW DLC)Pier A Terror (EW DLC)
Bomb Disposal Cemetery GrandHighway BridgeSlaughterhouse ATrain StationTrainyard
Asset Recovery Cemetery GrandIndustrial OfficePier AResearch OutpostStreet OverpassTruckstop
Extraction/Escort Extraction: Boulevard (EU only)Highway FallenMuseum (EU only)Street Hurricane (EW DLC)Escort: Commercial AlleyPier AResearch Outpost
Storyline Intro LevelAlien Base 01Alien Base 02Overseer: (Deep WoodsForest TrenchStonewallThe Barrens) • Temple Ship
Multiplayer BarBoulevardCemetery GrandPolice StationTrainyardObservatory (EW DLC)Rooftops Construction (EW DLC)Ruined Fishing Village (EW DLC)Stop 'N Gulp (EW DLC)Wrecked Pier (EW DLC)XCom HQ (EW DLC)
Slingshot DLC Friends in Low Places (Map)Confounding Light (Map)Gangplank (Map)
Enemy Within DLC Progeny: Portent (Map)Deluge (Map)Furies (Map)Other: Meld TutorialSite Recon (Map)EXALT Base Raid (Map)XCOM Base (Map)
Covert Operations Covert Data Recovery: BoulevardCommercial RestaurantDemolition EWIGas Station EWIHighway ConstructionIndustrial OfficeOffice Paper EWIPolice StationRooftops ConstTruck Stop EWICovert Extraction: Commercial Alley EWIConvenience Store EWIHighway Construction EWILiquor StoreMilitary AmmoPier A TerrorPortentResearch Outpost EWIStreet Overpass EWITrainyard