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The refinement of Elerium powered anti-grav propulsion units has created a new industry for ecologically friendly power sources. Superdynamics has developed sophisticated plants for producing power units of all sizes as well as a variety of airborne anti-grav vehicles. The cost of manufacture is high and Elerium is also in short supply. This means that privately owned vehicles are rare, but  Superdynamics developed and installed the anti-grav system for the People Tubes. These safe and efficient tube ways rapidly became the mass transit system for Mega-Primus in direct competition to the road network.  From: Apocalypse Ufopaedia


Apoc sd icon.png

  • A manufacturer primarily of air engines and fuel.
  • If Superdynamics is hostile to X-Com, engines from newly purchased vehicles can be removed to upgrade most air crafts except the SD Special engine which does not come as standard on any vehicle. Fuel is rarely a problem since Hybrid craft should start to be constructed when fusionfuel supplies may start to become scarce.
Alien Infiltration Speed: Average 


Products Vehicle Equipment

Initial Attitudes

  • none


Defence Forces

A basic selection of items:

See Also

Apocalypse Insignia X-COM Apocalypse: Organizations
The Good:Apoc xcom.png X-COM Apoc govt.png Government Apoc megapol.png Megapol
The Bad:Apoc aliens.png Alien Apoc sirius.png Cult of Sirius
The Ugly:Apoc cyberweb.png Cyberweb Apoc diablo.png Diablo Apoc energen.png Energen Apoc evonet.png Evonet Apoc extropians.png Extropians
Apoc gm.png General Metro Apoc gravball.png Gravball League Apoc lifetree.png Lifetree Apoc marsec.png Marsec
Apoc mutant.png Mutant Alliance Apoc nanotech.png Nanotech Apoc nutrivend.png Nutrivend Apoc osiron.png Osiron Apoc psyke.png Psyke
Apoc self.png S.E.L.F. Apoc sanctuary.png Sanctuary Clinic Apoc sensovision.png Sensovision Apoc solmine.png Solmine
Apoc sd.png Superdynamics Apoc synthemesh.png Synthemesh Apoc technocr.png Technocrats Apoc ts.png Transtellar