Heavy Gauss

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General Information

Heavy Gauss

The heavy Gauss is cumbersome, but extremely effective. It operates with 3 particle accelerators and is virtually unstoppable. The anti-proton stream is confined inside a Gallium Arsenide shell that implodes on impact releasing the anti-matter.

Source: Terror From The Deep Ufopaedia

Heavy Gauss
(h x w)
3 x 2 Heavy gauss.gif
Weight 18
D. Threshold 20
Grip Two-Handed
TU Cost Accuracy
Auto -% -%
Snapshot 40% 50%
Aimed 80% 90%
Sale Price $61,000
Cost $32,000
Technician Hours 700
Workspace 4
Materials -
Heavy Gauss Clip
(h x w)
1 × 1 Heavy gauss clip.gif
Weight 4
D. Threshold 70
Damage 75 Gauss Beam
Capacity 10
Sale Price $3,220
Cost $4,000
Technician Hours 70
Workspace 4
Materials -

The Heavy Gauss, or Heavy Gauss Cannon, is a slow but powerful weapon that deals Gauss damage. It is the Gauss technology near equivalent of a Gas Cannon armed with GC-AP rounds.

The Heavy Gauss closely matches the Gas Cannon in performance, although snapshots are less accurate and aimed shots are slower. In return, it has greater stopping power and a slightly larger ammunition supply. Weapon weight is slightly increased while clip weight is decreased.

As with all Gauss weapons, the Heavy Gauss and its ammunition can be easily mass produced as they do not require any exotic materials for construction.

Research for the Heavy Gauss is required to access the highly profitable craft Gauss Cannon.

Note: Gauss weapons must be manufactured

This weapon appears in Terror from the Deep. For the UFO: Enemy Unknown equivalent, refer to the Heavy Laser.

Key Features
  • Gauss Damage
Pros Cons
  • Moderate Accuracy
  • Moderate Power
  • Heavy
  • Bulky
  • Slow
  • Low Ammo
  • Manufactured



The Heavy Gauss is generally considered a poor weapon, due to being outclassed by the weapons around it. The Sonic Pistol and Sonic-Blasta Rifle have better power, accuracy, weight and clip size. Worse, its prerequisite the Gauss Rifle is only slightly less powerful, and fires three times as fast with the same accuracy.

See Also

TFTD Badge Terror From The Deep: Equipment (TFTD)
Armor Diving SuitPlastic Aqua ArmorIon ArmorMagnetic Ion Armor
Weapons Dart GunJet HarpoonGas CannonHydro-Jet CannonTorpedo LauncherThermal Tazer

Magna-Blast GrenadeParticle Disturbance GrenadeMagna-Pack Explosive
Gauss PistolGauss RifleHeavy Gauss
Sonic PistolSonic-Blasta RifleSonic CannonSonic PulserThermal Shok LauncherDisruptor Pulse Launcher
Vibro BladeThermic LanceHeavy Thermic Lance

Portable Equipment Dye GrenadeParticle Disturbance SensorMedi-KitChemical-flareM.C. DisruptorM.C. ReaderZrbite
SWS Coelacanth/G. CannonCoelacanth/Aqua JetCoelacanth/GaussDisplacer/SonicDisplacer/PWT
Data Weapon Summaries TFTD Item destruction table • SWS/Terror Unit Innate Weapons