Heavy Laser

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For the XCOM: Enemy Unknown (2012) version, see Heavy Laser (EU2012)

General Information

Heavy Laser

The heave laser is cumbersome, but extremely effective.

Source: Enemy Unknown Ufopaedia
Heavy Laser
(h x w)
3 x 2
Weight 18
D. Threshold TBA
Grip Two-Handed
TU Cost Accuracy
Auto -% -%
Snapshot 33% 50%
Aimed 75% 84%
Damage 85 Laser
Shots unlimited
Sale Price $61,000
Research Heavy Laser
Cost $32,000
Technician Hours 700
Workspace 4
Materials None

The next step up from the Laser Rifle, the Heavy Laser generally fails to impress due to its weight and lack of an auto-shot feature. The aimed mode is very slow.

As with any weapon, in the hands of the right soldiers, the heavy laser can be a very effective weapon. Often used in a sniping capacity and for destroying Sectopods thanks to their vulnerability to laser. The reasonable snapshot speeds also allows it to be a fairly effective close combat weapon.

Researching the Heavy Laser gives access to the Laser Cannon and Tank/Laser Cannon entries of the research tree.

This weapon appears in UFO: Enemy Unknown. For the Terror from the Deep equivalent, refer to the Heavy Gauss.

Usage notes

The following lists how many times a soldier can fire the gun by shot type continuously in any given round and the remaining percentage of any left over TUs that cannot be spent as a shot.

  • Aimed: 1 Shot, 25% Remaining TUs
  • Snap: 3 Shots, 1% Remaining TUs

See also

UFO Badge X-COM: Enemy Unknown/UFO Defense: Equipment
Armour: CoverallsPersonal ArmourPower SuitFlying Suit
Weapons: PistolRifleHeavy CannonAuto-CannonRocket LauncherStun Rod
GrenadeProximity GrenadeHigh ExplosiveLaser PistolLaser RifleHeavy Laser
Plasma PistolPlasma RifleHeavy PlasmaAlien GrenadeSmall LauncherBlaster Launcher
Equipment: Smoke GrenadeMotion ScannerMedi-KitElectro-flarePsi-AmpMind ProbeElerium-115
HWPs: Tank/CannonTank/Rocket LauncherTank/Laser CannonHovertank/PlasmaHovertank/Launcher
Data Item WeightsAlien Weapon Loadouts • Armour Damage Modifiers