Soldiers (EU2012)

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Soldiers are your most important and valuable unit in Enemy Unknown 2012 and their death on the battlefield is permanent. Soldiers have distinct classes and their status can be checked at XCOM HQ's Barracks facility, where you can also hire new soldiers. They can be equipped with armor, weapons and other equipment as required and available at the Armory. Soldiers may also be assigned to the Officer Training School in order to progress in rank and gain specific squad abilities. There are soldiers of rank and class that you can recruit through missions. You get to select how they skill up. Finally there are also 'hero' soldiers you can recruit through missions. It is unknown if they have unique abilities, or are already skilled up.

Soldier Attributes

Player editable

  • First and Last Name
  • Nickname (earned at Sergeant rank)
  • Race, Voice, Head, Skin Color, Hair, Hair Color and Facial Hair



The performance of an XCOM soldier in battle and his/her actions (moving, firing, etc.) during tactical combat are determined by his/her stats. A soldier's stats can be improved through experience gained in combat missions, bonuses from rank promotions, perks, armor and equipment. Upon hiring Rookies' stats start at the following base values:

Visible Stats
Stat Value Description
Health Points 5 '
Aim 65 '
Defense 0 '
Will 40 '

XCOM units also have the following stats, which all start at zero and seemed to be only modified through each Soldier's individual abilities perks, armor and equipment.

Hidden Stats
Stat Value Description
Sight Radius 27 '
Mobility 12 '
Psionics 30 '
Critical Hit Chance 0 '
Critical Damage Chance 0 '
Reaction 0 '
Flight Fuel 0 '


All soldiers start as rookies with their class being only revealed after he/she is promoted to Squaddie and have their stats upgraded according to their class. Each class has unique abilities, and will receive specific stat bonuses upon promotion but will also have specific stat limitations and/or restrictions on weapons/equipment they can carry. Generally, each promotion will require you to choose from one of two perks available to the class at that rank.

ClassDescriptionPrimary WeaponAlternate WeaponSecondary WeaponRookie Starting Stats
Squaddie Promotion Bonus
RookieYour basic recruitAssault Rifle
Laser Rifle
Plasma Rifle
Laser Pistol
Plasma Pistol
Health Points 5
Aim 65
Will 40
AssaultClose combat unitShotgun
Laser Scatter
Alloy Cannon
Assault Rifle
Laser Rifle
Plasma Rifle
Laser Pistol
Plasma Pistol
Health Points + 1
Aim + 5
Will + 2
HeavyHigh-caliber and explosive firepowerLMG
Heavy Laser
Heavy Plasma
Assault Rifle
Laser Rifle
Plasma Rifle
Rocket LauncherHealth Points + 1
Aim + 2
Will + 2
SniperLong-range accurate fireSniper Rifle
Laser Sniper Rifle
Plasma Sniper Rifle
Assault Rifle
Laser Rifle
Plasma Rifle
Laser Pistol
Plasma Pistol
Health Points + 0
Aim + 10
Will + 2
SupportMedic / Grenadier
Jack of all trades
Assault Rifle
Laser Rifle
Plasma Rifle
Laser Pistol
Plasma Pistol
Health Points + 1
Aim + 5
Will + 2
PsionicMental powersPlasma Light RifleDepends on starting class.

It has been hinted that the Psionic class is not so much a full class as a sub-class so there is the potential for Psionic Snipers, Psionic Assaults, etc.


Each soldier also has a rank. As he/she progresses through the ranks it will gain additional combat abilities or provide leadership skills purchased through the Officer Training School, from Captain upwards. The known ranks are:

  • Rookie
  • Squaddie
  • Corporal
  • Sergeant
  • Lieutenant
  • Captain
  • Major
  • Colonel


Perks are special abilities given to specific classes or the entire squad. They can be acquired through the following:

  • Soldier can choose between two abilities on level up (exclusively)
  • Purchased through the Officer Training School (require presence of high rank officer(s))
  • Equipment research and upgrades

See Also

Stats and Attributes

Soldier Classes

Soldier Abilities

General Equipment