Requests (EU2012)

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From time to time an individual Council country may request assistance through the sale of Weapons, Alien Artifacts or even satellites. In exchange for supplying the country with the desired item, XCOM will receive in return Credits and/or Scientists/Engineers. The credits offered in exchange are usually 30-50% higher than the values required for building the item or selling it on the Grey Market. This may motivate Commanders to keep a few extra units of items in store or to change their current manufacturing depending on the value of the offered reward. Requests have a deadline of 20 days to be fulfilled or they will be removed at the end of that period.

A notable particularity is the request for a Satellite Transfer. A country which asks for a satellite can ask you to transfer or to actually launch one to monitor its territory against UFO incursions. But if launched, XCOM retains control of the satellite as well, which means all of the monthly funding, extra scientists and/or engineers, as well as potentially triggering the continent bonus if you have enough coverage. With the request completion reward as well, this makes waiting till towards the end of the month to launch satellites a great idea. Though keep in mind: requests last 20 days, and without Rapid Construction, satellites also take 20 to build. If you try to build one after getting the request, it will expire before the satellite is completed.

Items Requested

See Also