Gray Market (EU2012)

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The Grey Market screen

At the Gray Market XCOM may sell Alien Artifacts recovered from missions. This can be used when you are in need of funds.

Some artifacts are more useful than others, Weapon Fragments is used in most research; Alien Alloys and Elerium in most production. Damaged UFO components can be sold freely, as they don't hold any value for research and manufacturing. Players shouldn't sell Elerium, Alien Alloys or Weapon Fragments in most cases; as it seems that getting and researching new equipment requires very high amounts of these base resources. Corpses can be used in manufacturing but over-stockpiling them isn't recommended.

Alien Artifacts

List of Artifacts

Item name Gray Market Value Required for Research/Foundry projects Required for Manufacturing Total Required for projects
Sectoid 3 (EU2012).png
Sectoid Corpse
§5 Sectoid Autopsy, Xeno-Biology (4x) Uplink Targeting (Aim) (3x) 5
Floater 3 (EU2012).png
Floater Corpse
§5 Floater Autopsy Defense Matrix (Dodge) (3x) 1
Thin Man 3 (EU2012).png
Thin Man Corpse
§5 Thin Man Autopsy, Improved Medikit (4x) Gas Grenade (2x) 7
Chryssalid 3 (EU2012).png
Chryssalid Corpse
§5 Chryssalid Autopsy Chitin Plating (4x), Needle Grenade (2x) 7
Muton 3 (EU2012).png
Muton Corpse
§5 Muton Autopsy, Ammo Conservation (6x) None 7
Cyberdisc 3 (EU2012).png
Cyberdisc Wreck
§7 Cyberdisc Autopsy, Advanced Flight (2x) UFO Tracking (Boost) (2x) 3
Drone 3 (EU2012).png
Drone Wreck
§2 Drone Autopsy, Drone Capture (4x), Improved Arc Thrower (4x), Advanced Flight (2x) None 11
Sectoid Commander 3 (EU2012).png
Sectoid Commander Corpse
§10 Sectoid Commander Autopsy None 1
Berserker 3 (EU2012).png
Berserker Corpse
§5 Berserker Autopsy Combat Stims (1x) 1
Heavy Floater 3 (EU2012).png
Heavy Floater Corpse
§5 Heavy Floater Autopsy, Advanced Repair (4x), Advanced Flight (2x) None 7
Elite Muton 3 (EU2012).png
Muton Elite Corpse
§8 Muton Elite Autopsy None 1
Sectopod 3 (EU2012).png
Sectopod Wreck
§10 Sectopod Autopsy, Advanced Construction (2x) None 3
Ethereal 3 (EU2012).png
Ethereal Corpse
§15 Ethereal Autopsy Mind Shield (1x) 1
Weapon Fragments (EU2012).png
Weapon Fragments
§1 Weapon Fragment (5x), All Weapon Research. Many Foundry Projects None always try to keep
Alien Alloys (EU2012).png
Alien Alloys
§2 Alien Materials, Carapace Armor (10x), Skeleton Suit (15x), Beam Weapons (5x) Combat Stims(2x),Carapace Armor (15x), Laser Sniper Rifle (23x), Heavy Laser (23x), Scatter Laser (23x), Laser Rifle (13x), Laser Pistol (8x), Skeleton Key (10x), Laser Cannon (21x), Chitin Plating (10x) always try to keep
Elerium (EU2012).png
§3 Elerium, Improved Pistol III (20x), S.H.I.V. Plasma (15x), Stealth Satellites (20x) Skeleton Key (10x), Elerium Generator (30x), Psionic Lab (20x), Plasma Cannon (10x), EMP Cannon (10x), Fusion Lance (10x), Hover S.H.I.V. (20x), Firestorm (5x), Mind Shield (20x), Plasma Pistol (10x), Light Plasma Rifle (15x), Plasma Rifle (20x), Alloy Cannon (20x), Heavy Plasma (30x), Plasma Sniper Rifle (25x) always try to keep
UFO Flight Computer (EU2012).png
UFO Flight Computer
§40 UFO Flight Computer (2x), Stealth Satellites (3x) Firestorm(2x), Satellite Nexus (2x), Blaster Launcher (2x) 5
UFO Flight Computer (Damaged) (EU2012).png
UFO Flight Computer (Damaged)
§20 None None 0
UFO Power Source (EU2012).png
UFO Power Source
§75 UFO Power Source Firestorm(1x), Elerium Generator (2x) 1
UFO Power Source (Damaged) (EU2012).png
UFO Power Source (Damaged)
§30 None None 0
Alien Entertainment (EU2012).png
Alien Entertainment
§17 None None 0
Alien Entertainment (Damaged) (EU2012).png
Alien Entertainment (Damaged)
§13 None None 0
Alien Food (EU2012).png
Alien Food
§10 None None 0
Alien Food (Damaged) (EU2012).png
Alien Food (Damaged)
§5 None None 0
Alien Stasis Tank (EU2012).png
Alien Stasis Tank
§10 None None 0
Alien Stasis Tank (Damaged) (EU2012).png
Alien Stasis Tank (Damaged)
§5 None None 0
Alien Surgery (EU2012).png
Alien Surgery
§25 None None 0
Alien Surgery (Damaged) (EU2012).png
Alien Surgery (Damaged)
§10 None None 0
Fusion Core (EU2012).png
Fusion Core
§125 Fusion Lance, Guided Fusion Launcher Blaster Launcher (1x) 0
Outsider Shard (EU2012).png
Outsider Shard
N/A Outsider Shard Skeleton Key (1x) 1
Hyperwave Beacon (EU2012).png
Hyperwave Beacon
N/A None None 1
Ethereal Device Research (EU2012).png
Psi Link
N/A None None 1
Meld Icon (EU2012).png
Meld (EW DLC)
N/A Meld Recombination All Gene Mods, MEC Trooper, MEC Suit 1+
Mechtoid 3 (EU2012).png
Mechtoid Core (EW DLC)
§10 Mechtoid Autopsy None 1
Seeker 3 (EU2012).png
Seeker Wreck (EW DLC)
§5 Seeker Autopsy Ghost Grenade (4x) 5

EXALT Artifacts

Item name Gray Market Value
EXALT Assault Rifle (EU2012).png
EXALT Assault Rifle
EXALT Sniper Rifle (EU2012).png
EXALT Sniper Rifle
EXALT LMG (EU2012).png
EXALT Rocket Launcher (EU2012).png
EXALT Rocket Launcher
EXALT Laser Rifle (EU2012).png
EXALT Laser Rifle
EXALT Laser Sniper Rifle (EU2012).png
EXALT Laser Sniper Rifle
EXALT Heavy Laser (EU2012).png
EXALT Heavy Laser
Recovered Art (EU2012).png
Recovered Art
EXALT Artifact (EU2012).png
EXALT Artifact
EXALT Technology (EU2012).png
EXALT Technology

See Also