Joe Kelly (EU2012)

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Joe Kelly.png

Joe "Archangel" Kelly is a unique USA heavy class soldier and comic book writer, penciler and editor who has written such titles as Deadpool, Uncanny X-Men, Action Comics, and JLA.

After unlocking, Kelly will have the following stats:

  • HP: 20 + 10
  • Defense: 0
  • Will: 100
  • Aim: 100

Kelly loadout:

As a Colonel, he will have the following abilities:

  • Squaddie
    • Fire Rocket
  • Corporal
    • Holo-Targeting
  • Sergeant
    • Suppression
  • Lieutenant
    • Rapid Reaction
  • Captain
    • Danger Zone
  • Major
    • Will to Survive
  • Colonel
    • Rocketeer

EU2012 Badge XCOM: Enemy Unknown (2012): XCOM Units
Soldiers:CLASS ASSAULT.png AssaultCLASS HEAVY.png HeavyCLASS SNIPER.png SniperCLASS SUPPORT.png SupportCLASS PSIONIC.png PsionicCLASS MECH.png MEC Trooper (EW DLC)
S.H.I.Vs:S.H.I.V.Alloy S.H.I.V.Hover S.H.I.V.
Attributes:ClassesClass BuildsAbilitiesStatsNicknamesGene Mods (EW DLC)Medals (EW DLC)
Loadout:WeaponsArmorEquipmentMEC Suit (EW DLC)
Barracks:Officer Training SchoolPsi LabMemorialGenetics Lab (EW DLC)Cybernetics Lab (EW DLC)
Other: VolunteerHeroesZhang (Slingshot DLC)Annette (EW DLC)Covert Operative (EW DLC)Training Roulette (EW DLC)