Alien Scout Ship (Apocalypse)

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This vessel appears to be a surveillance craft. Its structure is very strange and there is no evidence of any crew or cargo. The craft's internals appear to have been intentionally destroyed by the Aliens from a remote location. The craft is armed with small beam weapon. The craft does not appear to be a great threat to the city, but can only be a precursor to more dangerous incursions.  From: Apocalypse Ufopaedia

Alien Scout Ship

  • Size: small
  • Top Speed: 12
  • Acceleration: 2
  • Weapon Slots: 1
  • Weapons: Light Disruptor Beam
  • Constitution (Disabled): 120 (35)
  • Armour¹: 5/2/5/5/5/5
  • Modules: Small Disruption Shield
  • Chassis Weight: 4000
  • First Appearance: Week 1
  • Score: 100

¹ Armour values are for: Top/Front/Left/Right/Rear/Bottom

Apoc ufo2 icon.png

The Alien Scout Ship (UFO Type 2) is the second type of small UFO. It is mainly used to infiltrate (alien drop) a small squad of aliens into any building (an infestation) within Mega-Primus. Scout Ships will escort larger UFOs in the near future. A single small shield will be equipped to extend its usefulness once stronger and larger UFOs are common. This craft can also be used to search for an X-Com base. It will not attack buildings.

A simple UFO which is a minimal threat unless multiple craft are firing on a slow and large X-Com vehicle. It has low damage tolerance and is easily disabled, or destroyed, by basic craft guns or beam weapons. Missiles may heavily damage or destroy a Scout Ship since its speed is slow compared to its common escort, the Alien Probe.

Crash Recovery
Unmanned. UFO is recovered without battlescape combat. The Scout Ship has a small number of alien lifeforms onboard. If downed, the crash-landing is fatal to all aliens and will also destroy all craft equipment.

Alien Scout Ship research does not lead to other exotic discoveries.

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Apocalypse Insignia X-COM: Apocalypse: Vehicles
Airborne Apoc hoverbike.png Hoverbike Apoc phoenix.png Phoenix Hovercar Apoc valkyrie.png Valkyrie Interceptor Apoc hawk.png Hawk Air Warrior
Apoc policehovercar.png Police Hovercar Apoc airtaxi.png Air Taxi Apoc rescue.png Rescue TransportApoc construction.png Construction Vehicle Apoc airtrans.png Airtrans Apoc spaceliner.png Space Liner
Ground Apoc turbobike.png Blazer Turbo Bike Apoc stormdog.png Stormdog Apoc wolfhound.png Wolfhound APC Apoc griffon.png Griffon AFV
Apoc civiliancar.png Civilian Car Apoc policecar.png Police Car Apoc autotaxi.png Autotaxi Apoc autotrans.png Autotrans
X-Com Apoc dimension probe.png Dimension Probe Apoc biotrans.png Bio-Trans Apoc explorer.png Explorer Apoc retaliator.png Retaliator Apoc annihilator.png Annihilator
Alien Apoc ufo1.png UFO Type 1 - Probe Apoc ufo2.png UFO Type 2 - Scout Ship Apoc ufo3.png UFO Type 3 - Transporter Apoc ufo4.png UFO Type 4 - Fast Attack Ship Apoc ufo5.png UFO Type 5 - Destroyer Apoc ufo6.png UFO Type 6 - Assault Ship Apoc ufo7.png UFO Type 7 - Bomber Apoc ufo8.png UFO Type 8 - Escort Ship Apoc ufo9.png UFO Type 9 - Battleship Apoc ufo10.png UFO Type 10 - Mothership
