Cyberdisc Autopsy (EU2012)

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Cyberdisc Autopsy
Cyberdisc Autopsy

So far, we've been unable to ascertain whether this is strictly a mechanical creation or a living organism. Based on our findings, it has an alternative biochemical system based on the silicon atom. Like carbon, silicon can create molecules that are sufficiently large to carry biological information, and since silicon has several chemical properties similar to carbon, it is possible this could be a new and completely alien life form, with respect to the specimens we've already encountered. Its internal mechanisms seem to operate like organs, giving it the ability to circulate plasma through its core systems, much in the same way blood flows through our bodies. Our Unit Analysis View available in the field should provide additional specifics regarding this species' various combat abilities.

Source: XCOM: Enemy Unknown (2012) Research Archives

Cyberdisc Autopsy (EW DLC)
Cyberdisc Autopsy

So far, we've been unable to ascertain whether this is strictly a mechanical creation or a living organism. Based on our findings, it has an alternative biochemical system based on the silicon atom. Like carbon, silicon can create molecules that are sufficiently large to carry biological information, and since silicon has several chemical properties similar to carbon, it is possible this could be a new and completely alien life form, with respect to the specimens we've already encountered. Its internal mechanisms seem to operate like organs, giving it the ability to circulate plasma through its core systems, much in the same way blood flows through our bodies. These mechanisms enable the construct to distribute vital functions throughout its body. After further study, it may be possible to use these designs in our genetic modification program to reduce our soldiers' dependence on vital organs such as the heart. Our Unit Analysis View available in the field should provide additional specifics regarding this species' various combat abilities.


EU2012 Badge XCOM: Enemy Unknown (2012): Research
Initial:Xeno-BiologyAlien MaterialsWeapon FragmentsMeld Recombination (EW DLC)
Lasers:Beam WeaponsPrecision LasersHeavy Lasers
Plasma:Plasma PistolLight Plasma RiflePlasma RiflePlasma SniperHeavy PlasmaAlloy CannonGuided Fusion LauncherPlasma CannonEMP CannonFusion Lance
Armor:Carapace ArmorSkeleton SuitTitan ArmorArchangel ArmorGhost ArmorPsi Armor
Technology:Arc ThrowerExperimental WarfareEleriumUFO Power SourceAlien Nav ComputerNew Fighter Craft
Interrogations:Interrogate SectoidInterrogate FloaterInterrogate Thin ManInterrogate MutonInterrogate Sectoid CommanderInterrogate Heavy FloaterInterrogate BerserkerInterrogate Muton EliteInterrogate Ethereal
Autopsies:Sectoid AutopsyFloater AutopsyThin Man AutopsyMuton AutopsyChryssalid AutopsyDrone AutopsyCyberdisc AutopsySectoid Commander AutopsyHeavy Floater AutopsyBerserker AutopsyMuton Elite AutopsySectopod AutopsyEthereal AutopsySeeker Autopsy (EW DLC)Mechtoid Autopsy (EW DLC)
Other:Research CreditsResearch Codenames

Head red 2.png XCOM: Enemy Unknown (2012): Aliens
Aliens:SectoidFloaterThin ManOutsiderMutonChryssalidZombieSectoid CommanderCyberdiscHeavy FloaterBerserkerSectopodDroneMuton EliteEtherealUber Ethereal (*Spoilers*)Mechtoid (EW DLC)Seeker (EW DLC)
Alien Corpses:Sectoid CorpseFloater CorpseThin Man CorpseMuton CorpseChryssalid CorpseDrone WreckCyberdisc WreckSectoid Commander CorpseHeavy Floater CorpseBerserker CorpseMuton Elite CorpseSectopod WreckEthereal CorpseSeeker Wreck (EW DLC)Mechtoid Core (EW DLC)
Data:Overview of AliensAlien StatsAlien ObjectivesAlien Deployment